
here, kitty kitty

ophie - healing seasonal


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-30-2022, 06:13 PM

Distracted would never be a word to describe Yama Tenshi. As much as her focus may seem to be on something else, the rest of her senses were on the world around her. Both ears nearly turned in different directions as she listened to the animals surrounding the thicket and which way the wind rustled. Her eyes subtly lifted above her eye line to peer at the scenery around her. The glassy water trickling quietly south, the bright green grasses that grew in patterns around old trees with twisting limbs.

So as she drew closer to the cattails she searched for, she was not surprised by the female that approached. It appeared that the girl was nervous. Tenshi could smell the uncertainty from here. Even as her chin tilted slightly from her nosing position in the grasses, her paws paused and she watched carefully. Unlike many wolves that she had encountered in the past, this one seemed different. The way her belly bulged carefully under unkempt grey and teal fur was not the same way one's would while pregnant. Curious, she wondered why the girl seemed so... out of shape.

Unpleasantries wouldn't do when she currently had no friends. Not that she particularly wanted to make friends, but enemies she did not either. An almost serene smile swept over her lips as the girl showed herself from the shadows and introduced herself over stumbling words. Ophie. Was it short for something? Staring back at those big blue eyes that mirrored the frothy ocean she near disliked, Tenshi blinked a few times in silence. The girl was young and eager to help and in Tenshi's many years of existence, it was something she admired.

"A pleasure to meet you, Ophie. I am Tenshi," her deepened tones are as slow as a rock's erosion over time from battering elements. "Helping in any way one can do is all that I shall ask for," letting her lips teeter up more into a friendlier smile, she let her elegant features nod over to the cattails that bent in the warm summer breeze. Thankfully, Tenshi would consider herself a teacher in some ways, but typically only around younger pups. This girl would do. "I need to gather that plant over there. It is called Cattail around here," finally her steel-blue eyes wandered toward the stalks that nearly threatened to burst open at the subtle touch of a toe.

"One must be careful when gathering. If you burst the tops, they will explode into fluff that you do not want to ingest," Tenshi's thickened accent searched for the proper common tongue words to plainly explain what she needed. "We will need to snap them at the very bottom of the base to gather as much of the sap that is inside as well," the mountainous wolf explained as her large paws carefully navigated her toward the grouping of cattails. Once she was close enough, she waited patiently for the plump girl to wander over so she could show her how to properly harvest the plant.

word count: +509 = 1101