
wanna take a toke?

fuji - healing seasonal



Master Navigator (333)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

2 Years

Samhain 2022
04-30-2022, 08:47 PM

Crap, Chips was following them. They were going to have to hurry themselves before they really got caught. Distracted by wanting to get the plant harvested, she hadn't realized that Fuji had gone off to gather her own. What the heck? Oh well, they could bring both back successfully to impress mum. Successfully breaking a branch off of the very pungent plant, she heard Fuji bark at her about something about being careful. Careful of the plant? Oh, right. She didn't want the plant to die before getting back to the maze. That part would be the most important.

When Fuji came over to help dig at the base, Rheum stepped back to help. Quickly furrowing her small paws into the dry dirt that spread in the wind, she held back her coughs. Feeling her throat and mouth get drier by the second, she let out a squeal of happiness when the large bush began to slowly careen over. Stumbling out of the way the best she could, Rheum looked over to Fuji to make sure her sister was in okay condition. "Careful," she spat out through dried lips.

"Think this is enough to plant in the garden?" The bigger, but yet still small, girl asked. Looking at her pile of smelly plant with its large leaves, she smiled. When she glanced at Fuji's sprawling vine and yellow flowers, she smiled bigger. "Mum 's gonna be so proud!" She let out another squeal as her paws danced happily. "Le's get back before anyone really notices," Rheum's golden eyes glance up at Chips with a snarky grin as she grabs ahold of the bush. Picking it up as best as she could with as little of it dragging on the ground, she turned back to head toward the maze.

Making quick work back to the maze where they could easily find the garden, Rheum made sure to peak around every corner to ensure no one was watching them. Sure, Chips was still keeping an eye on both of them, but they were back safely now. With no harm done. Standing in front of their mum's garden with her eyes sparkling with excitement, she turned toward Fuji. Exhaustion also ran through her because dang, this was a lot of hard work. But, they still had more to go before they could show mum what they'd done. "Alrigh', where we gonna plant these things?" She asked for Fuji's opinion, knowing the smaller girl was a lot more observant and studious than she had been.

word count: 1,111