
Raining More Than Ever



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
04-30-2022, 08:57 PM

Reila feigned confusion at her interrogative, or perhaps she really was that dense that she didn't understand the implication behind Aliana's words. Either way told the clouded gray queen a little more about the other woman. Aliana may not have been a very worldly wolf, but she was perceptive. All her time in captivity and indentured servitude had taught her the value of silent observation and perception. And as it always did, being patient and quiet paid off as Reila confessed that she had been the one to attack Chimera that night. Chimera hadn't told her the details of what happened during their hunting trip, only that he'd been injured and Reila was having night terrors. Granted, it didn't take a genius to put two and two together, but hearing the words of affirmation from the once-slave's lips was all the conclusion she needed.

"Ah, I see," Ali murmured, nodding her head in understanding. It did raise further questions in her mind—not ones she would ask the other woman, however. Like "Why was Chimera close enough to her to get bitten in their sleep?". But she would save the fae further embarrassment and let sleeping dogs lie. Reila tried to dismiss herself then, claiming there was nothing that could be done to help her condition while also nervously heading for the door with her head lowered. Despite her own personal feelings on the situation and the stranger in her room, Aliana had a duty as queen to help those in need in the pack. Reila fit that category. "Reila, stop." Ali stepped over to the taller woman and gestured for her to follow with a small smile. "Come with me, please."

Taking the lead, Aliana led Reila out of the bedroom suite and down the hall to where her study was. She slid open the door and stepped inside. The room was filled with all sorts of plants, laboratory equipment and supplies, and tinctures and poultices she'd manufactured over time. Ali moved over to a cabinet hung on the wall and opened up the doors to reveal a number of shelves holding numerous vials filled with different colored liquids. "Just because you can't see a fix doesn't mean there isn't one. Sometimes you just need the right pair of eyes, or a new perspective." Ali lifted a clear bottle out of the cabinet with dainty paws. A label on it bore the crude drawing of a moon. She turned back to Reila and passed the bottle off to her. "Here. Drink a third of the bottle every night before you go to sleep. It should help keep away the nightmares and let you rest peacefully. I can craft you a custom medicine more tailored to your symptoms, if you'd like. That is just a general all-purpose sleep tonic. It should help, even just a little bit." Aliana couldn't shake the feeling that her kindness and generosity would end up being snubbed by the tawny woman, but at least now she could say she'd done everything to be kind to Reila in advance.

"Aliana Klien"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.