
silver coated


04-30-2022, 10:05 PM

As winter approached at breakneck speed, the urge to venture away from the familiar caves of the clan itched beneath his skin. Once the snows began to tighten their grip on the northern lands in earnest, there would be very little time to leave the clan in search of fresh materials to craft with. Best to stock up while he could, and thus improve the odds that he could keep himself entertained for at least most of the coming season. Last winter had been a breeze, having been with family further south. This time around he would almost certainly be climbing the walls by the time it was half over.

Thus, here the titan was. Climbing the ragged cliffs of an imposing peak, skirting the edge of the falls as he made his way ever higher. A decidedly questionable source had put the idea in his head that there was ore hiding somewhere within the cave at its peak, which he would gladly melt down in his workshop and tinker with for a good portion of the winter. Iron, copper, he didn't care. As long as it was shiny and malleable, he'd be able to keep himself busy with it for a while. Powerful muscles rippled beneath dense pelage as he leapt across the crags and fissures with familiar motions, until finally he stood at the edge of the falls. The world seemed to stretch endlessly outwards far below, and he could see past the eastern volcano from this vantage. A soft sigh of admiration escaped him. A life in the high altitudes had yet to dampen the awe he felt when he looked out at the world from a high peak, regardless of what the world below happened to look like at the time.

Shaking out his monochrome pelt, the mountain giant turned his attention to the maw of the cavern that the torrent that fed the falls managed to skirt around. The pack slung around his thick shoulders was shifted towards his chest with a roll of his neck and shoulder, allowing him to grab the flint that was stored in one of the ragged pockets. One of these days he ought to get a pack of his own, instead of continually borrowing them from members of the clan. Eventually. A struggling pine at the edge of the outcropping gave up one of its barren branches easily enough, and when he struck the flint against the mouth of the cave, it took a few tries to convince the flame to take to the dry branch. Once the passable torch was lit, off the smith went into the cave.