
Take Another Little Piece of My Heart




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-01-2022, 04:15 PM
The puppies that should have been were weighing on his mind, they would be yearlings now had things turned out differently. Very nearly adults, well and true wolves, with needs and wants, and personalities of their own. Indy did try and celebrate his niece and nephew, he loved Arc and Tira both deeply, but it was just a reminder of what wasn’t. His heart was heavy, and despite his best efforts that fact showed through his mask. He didn’t want to worry Aslatiel and he didn’t want to show Manea any weaknesses.

Indigo walked with Asla now, finding themselves alone in the territory. Admitting that Aslatiel warded away the sorrow was an easy feat, just having her at his side eased the sadness he felt. About his children and the loss of everything he had built. He tried to look at it all as an interim, instead of the lifelong dream he thought he had. He’d made something of himself, he’d been happy, but none of it really compared to a life alongside Asla. His goals were dear to his heart, but all he had ever wanted was his sister at his side.

After their patrol she led him out to the rocky cliffs, he could feel the warmth of them through his toes, and didn’t hesitate to join her there as she lay down. Asla fit in perfectly at his side, holding his arm as she leaned in for a kiss before confessing softly. She felt like he did, happy that they could finally be together. He smiled softly after leaning into her kiss, ”I am too.” Indigo’s deep voice rumbled through his whole chest. He was happy, this was everything he wanted.

Asla spoke again, her second question taking him by surprise. ”Of course I am,” he returned without hesitation. That was truth from the very bottom of his heart. ”I..” he stopped, she could see his sorrow through even the bright happiness she brought him. It’s nothing to do with you.” He tried to soothe her as he fought his voice breaking. There was something wrong, he wouldn’t hide that from her, but he also didn’t want to burden her either.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.