
A Love Like War



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-02-2022, 01:44 AM

The moment Alastor reversed their positions and put Manea on top of him, he knew he'd made the right decision. The look of surprise on her face quickly melted away to reveal that smoldering and insatiable lust he had come to know and worship her for. With his pregnant mate perched atop of him like this, straddling his waist and practically sitting in his lap, he could observe every beautiful part of her, from head to tail and every delightful part in between. His dark eyes lingered around the slight swell in her belly where their pups slept, feeling that paternal instinct kick in hard as his gaze returned to her aqua jewels and gazed deeply into them with nothing short of pure adoration and desire. Just as Manea had grown up with piss poor men as the standard in her life, Alastor had known only two women in any sort of close relation: his mother and his ex-fiancée, both of whom had abandoned him as soon as they possibly could. Manea was the stark opposite of both wretches. She didn't just value him—she treasured him, coveted him, possessed and protected him like the most valuable thing in the world. She made him feel worth something and made all the pain and anguish of his past worth suffering through to live to today. Just as she was grateful for him, Alastor would be eternally grateful for Manea.

The black dire wolf felt his violet queen shift above him, straddling his waist more properly and sliding her hips back until he felt her soft fur reach his physical arousal, drawing a shuddering breath from the brute that was swiftly silenced bay Manea's lips as she claimed his mouth in another intensely passionate kiss. Together their lustful growls and groans created a beautiful chorus of desire and love that filled their den, echoing around the cozy alcove they'd made their bedroom. Her hips began to work against his, rolling in slow and savoring motions that rubbed all the right parts of him all the right ways and made those pleasured sounds all the more frequent and loud. His eyes closed and darkness engulfed him while he contented himself with enjoying everything his mate was doing to him, singing her praise with his reactions while he tasted her, their tongues wrestling about between their maws for dominance. As her claws combed through his chest fur, his own pricked at her hips, squeezing her shapely rump while doing nothing to inhibit any of those delightful movements she was pressing into him. Together the two lovers rolled and roiled their way through a slow burn of a buildup, working one another higher and higher through the levels of pleasure and ecstasy they had become so intimately familiar with with one another.

After what felt like a time that was both painfully short and excruciatingly long, Manea pulled her muzzle from his and broke their kiss, leaving Alastor breathing hard and grinning back up at his amazing wife while she sat up on top of him, grinning back and panting as well. She looked positively feral for him, starving and wild. She was so beautiful when she got like this, and Alastor considered himself the luckiest brute alive that he was the one who got to see her in such a way. She moved her hips again, and Alastor felt her lift up, and then surround him as she joined their bodies together and he gradually slid within her. A breathless gasp stole what remained of the air in the brute's lungs, obsidian eyes going wide and rolling back in his skull while deeply pleasured groans fell from his open jaws. He growled back with her at the intensity of the pleasure, stars exploding before his eyes while their hips slowly met and he was once more within her. Manea didn't even pause before she began the slow and steady roll of her hips, grinding herself against him and coaxing deeper, more guttural and breathy moans and growls from the dire brute pinned beneath her while she brought them both the pleasure they so desperately needed. Every shift and move of her body felt heavenly, making Alastor's eyelids flutter and abyssal eyes roll back while he panted and pushed his body back against hers as he gave himself up to Manea in totality.

So lost was he in their pleasure and fucking that he didn't immediately notice Manea's leonine paw beginning to slide up his body until he felt the gentle pressure of her paw pads resting on his throat. A groan cut off mid sound with a little gasp and his eyes blinked to refocus on what was going on. Alastor gazed up at Manea, seeing the knowing look in her wild eyes while she grinned down at him in her uniquely dominant and lecherous way. She teased him with her words, asking a question she undoubtedly already knew the answer to. She had seen the way he reacted when she'd choked him in her fury earlier, and now it seemed she intended to see how that affected her husband in the bedroom. Alastor didn't respond verbally, instead flashing sharp teeth in a wide grin while salacious eyes burned up into her gaze. He started to growl in response, but Manea shut him up quickly when her paw flexed over his throat, squeezing his windpipe just enough to strangle the sound with a gag and choke him to where his every other panting breath came out as a wheeze. Alastor squirmed harder beneath Manea while she choked him and rode him, his toes curling and hips bucking up to meet hers in time with her motions. She was driving him wild yet also keeping him locked in such a deeply pleasured state that he was a slave to her.

Manea draped her voluptuous body down across his and nibbled at his jaw while she growled out words of dominance and possessiveness. He was hers, now and forever, no matter who else he touched or who touched him. Alastor gave a deep moan in reply to her claim over him, his paws pulling her hips hard to his in silent affirmation that she had all of him, and she always would. He could feel his mate's movements beginning to slow and lose rhythm as she tired, most of her energy still going to creating the little lives inside her, but he could feel her passion and lust spurring her on in each move she did still make, and he lavished in it. His paws once more rested on her shapely hips, just waiting for the moment when she either found her second wind and pushed them over the edge together or when her stamina finally wore out and he could show her that she also belonged entirely to him.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
