
Little Fiery One




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-02-2022, 02:02 AM

Irilyth knew Manea would give birth to her next litter soon. The Genetrix had grown quite large in the past couple of weeks, and there would be no doubt that the puppies would be arriving any day now. The closer they drew to the due date, the more Irilyth kept an eye on her Mistress, giving her routine daily checkups to validate the health and activity of her unborn children. She started Manea on a regiment of neonatal herbs and supplements to help the pups grow healthy and strong, despite knowing the fate of what most of them would face. She was a healer first, and she had a duty to those in her care, no matter how ill-fated they might have been. Just before Manea had become den-bound, Iri had ventured out to make sure she had plenty of supplies from the nearby terrains to have ready for the birth. Manea's first birth had gone relatively easy and smooth, and though she had high hopes for this one as well, she knew it was better to be prepared than come armed with a hope.

With all the medicines and tinctures made and ready for the big day, the sandy blonde fae existed in a holding pattern around the two Elysian alphas. She watched while Manea's body prepared for what would come, and Alastor did his best to comfort and care for her as her husband. Seeing the two wolves interact with one another, giddy and eager for the newest addition to their family, it brought a small smile to Iri's face while she hung off to the side. On the night of the birth, Irilyth had given Manea a checkup before bed, gave the dire fae a small concoction of alfalfa and elderberry, and then turned in for the night. She wasn't disturbed at any point throughout the night, and slept peacefully through to dawn. At the first break of day, Manea's voice calling out to her roused the fae from slumber, and Iri lifted her head with a start. It was time? It was time! "Oh! O-Oh, yes! Coming, Mistress Manea!" she called back, scrambling to her paws to gather up the necessary herbs and potions she'd prepared for just this moment. As she gathered her essentials and headed out of her room, she noticed a pouting Saracyn head out of the den, grumbling about lost sleep on his way out.

Irilyth came trotting briskly into the alphas' bedchambers a few minutes later, seeing Alastor comforting and cradling Manea while she panted and began her labored breathing. The Genetor had already gotten some water and extra furs for her, which helped tremendously. Irilyth smiled to see the two soon-to-be parents in all their glory. Manea was practically glowing! But the perceptive woman noticed the bit of anxiety and nervousness in her lady's eyes. It was to be expected; childbirth was no easy feat. There was a reason they called it a miracle of nature. Irilyth laid out a mat of assorted herbs and liquid-filled bottles, finding one and popping the cork stopper before pressing it gently to Manea's lips to drink. "Here, my lady. Extracts of motherwort and trillium." Both herbs that would help with her contractions and the pain to follow. As an extract, the herbs' properties would be amplified and take effect much more quickly. Once Manea had drunk the medicine, Irilyth shifted to sit beside her alphess and rested her paws on Manea's belly, pressing gently to feel the puppies shifting and squirming about inside her womb. "They're feisty this morning," she commented with a little smile. "They're getting into position now. Steady breaths, my lady, and push when you feel the contractions." Compared to last year, Irilyth felt far more prepared to aid in this birth. There would be no issues and they would be welcoming a new Mendacium into the world today!
