Power and Purpose
05-02-2022, 11:37 AM
Fern finishes her assessment of the openings and seats herself near Art as she waits for his evaluation. He starts with a praise and she feels her lips tugging upward as he locks eyes with her. Then he begins to explain things and her face becomes serious as she takes in everything he says. Eyes follow her mentor when he steps up to the dummy’s throat and his explanation as to how difficult it is to actually hit that small slit has Fern nodding in understanding. Instinct is a powerful thing and, when faced with danger, the body knows how to defend itself. Still… those facts won’t stop her at least trying to hit it. He moves on to the gap in the torso and relays his knowledge on trying to hit it. Brows furrow in concentration as she tries to figure out how she will attack these targets that are so difficult to hit. Then, Art returns to stand beside her, explaining about what going for legs and tails would yield. She nods firmly before cracking a grin at his comment about Rudyard’s tail, which actually brings up and idea. Fern says, “You know, after Rudy lost tail, it took him some time to get use to running without it. It might not kill the wolf but maybe it can help me gain an advantage in the fight.” Blue eyes look up at Artorias and when he motions towards the dummy, she immediately jumps to a standing position and moves forward to square up with the dummy. Whatever methods work best for her? With her momentum already in motion, Fern doesn’t stop in her forward movements, instead putting on a burst of speed to approach her target while reaching back to draw her sword. If she times it right, her sword should swing out and strike the soft spot at the throat as she passes. Okay, so maybe Fern is being a little too flashy but she figured it might save some energy if she drew her sword while in the motion of attacking. Regrettably, her timing is way off and, by the time her sword is free of the scabbard, the dummy is right in her face. She completely whiffs her first attack and is ends up whacking the armor on its shoulder. Okay, no more flash. Jogging back toward the front of the dummy, Fern suddenly lunges sideways to try and stab the point in between the small opening. The opening doesn’t move but her coordination is off and the point bounces harmlessly off the armor on its neck. Heat floods her cheeks as she moves back to the front, mentally chiding herself for missing twice. This time, the gray girl lunges forward, aiming to lower her body while thrusting the sword up and under the dummy’s chin. Of all three tries, Fern feels the most confident with this attack, her body smoothly lowering while the sword strikes upward. Unfortunately, the attack strikes the helmet that hangs close to the opening. Disappointed, Fern returns to stand next to Artorias, deftly sheathing her sword as she moves. Looking to Art, the gray girl muses, “You are right, that spot is very difficult. So, how can I hope to hit it if the wolf is moving?” Curious eyes look from Art to the dummy, waiting to hear how to crack this puzzle. "Fern Lark" |
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.