
So take my hand and drown with me



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-02-2022, 03:20 PM
Usagi blinked as his childhood friend managed to prop himself on his elbows, and he frowned softly. He was barely able to utter a word amidst the sudden and coincidental meeting that his cat and dog companions returned - the cat clutching a cloth from who-knows-where and the Akita dropping a few decent-sized branches for a fire, its tail wagging eagerly. The koi wolf kept his gaze trained on Kunai, as if the waterlogged wolf was going to disappear from him if he so much as looked away. He couldn’t believe it - not one bit. But he was here, in all his chimera-spotted glory. Whatever deep-rooted feelings they had for each other way back when surely churned inside Usagi’s thorn-spiked heart, cold and hardened from all he endured and the turmoil of his and Roo’s missing father. He didn’t process these feelings, not right now anyways. Now wasn’t the time to visit warm, fuzzy sentiments. Or even..something even more emotionally attaching. He swallowed thickly, partially from the shock of seeing the man he’d grown up around, and partialy from the concern of keeping him warm. The nights could be cold and unforgiving, and the fire had to be set up.

Managing to get sparks started by furiously twisting a twig into a flat plank of wood, he placed some dried leaves and cobwebs in the mix to encourage a small flame. It was modest, but enough to provide some much-needed heat. He then called upon his Akita to look for an empty seashell on this shimmering beach, and look for a freshwater pond. Sure enough, the Akita returned some time later as Usagi nurtured the fire and draped the cloth over Kunai to speed up the drying of his fur. Now his friend had a blanket, a fire, and a shell bowl of fresh water. All within the span of a few minutes - he worked quickly and so did his companions. He sent them away, and they happily did so. He needed to sit with the chimera koi, just to talk and catch up. About things in Iga. About what he did when Usagi and Kuroo left. Everything he missed, basically. But he wouldn’t push it either - Kunai was exhausted and the raspiness of his voice as he spoke indicated the turmoil he’d endured from his journey.

The mention of his name from the other male’s lips struck something within him. That feeling. That feeling deep inside, the one he’d tucked away in lieu of his and Roo’s mission. He hesitated telling Kunai this, even when he asked how they came here as well. It was too much information at once, and he felt they needed to get out the basics before he’d dive into everything - espeically the secretive Tojo-kai he swore allegiance to.

Allowing Kunai space to speak, he nodded towards the shell filled with water, encouraging him to take a few sips for his throat. Such kindness and charity was so unlike Usagi, and he was out of his element - but this was a close friend, and one he hadn’t seen in ages. His fiery temper fizzled to mere embers just to ensure his friend’s safety and health, first and foremost. "Me and Kuroo arrived here by boat as well," He said, pausing as the fire crackled and simmered. "We arrived here a few months ago, but the reasons behind us leaving our home are complicated." He glanced at his childhood friend, feeling the slightest knot forming in his gut. What was this? "Is there a reason you came here, too?" He didn’t quite know yet why Kunai had left their homeland, and its safety, on such a perilous journey. His mossy eyes, so stoic yet barely concealing his relief that Kunai was okay, trained themselves upon him. I’m just so glad you’re okay. He whispered in his mind, over and over. A comforting mental mantra, perhaps.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—