
I'm Only Joking

Revenant & Morendo Fighting Seasonal



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-03-2022, 05:29 AM

Chimera did pretty well with warding the island of predators, but one couldn't expect it to stay that way forever. The island drew in many creatures just as it drawn in the wolves of Fenmyre. There were opportunities to be had here. The land was separated from the mainland and so it provided a modicum of protection. All of these benefits were obvious to the naked eye and sometimes there were intruders despite the blatant scent markers both at the edge of the mainland and the shore of the island.

Coming back from working on the yacht, the sounds of commotion up ahead quickly threw the giant brute into a run. Snaps and snarls became more defined as he neared the fight and he could already tell that a cat had come to the island again. Chimera flashed back in his minds eye to the time that Aliana had almost lost her life to a jaguar and it served to ignite the fury within him. If that hadn't done it, seeing three of his sons getting attacked by not one, but three jaguars... Chimera was thoroughly incensed.

With a guttural snarl, the black and white behemoth launched himself at the nearest feline. Rows of razor sharp teeth sank into the side of the jaguars neck, instantly doing damage and drawing a fountain of blood gushing from the cat as something vital was struck. The jaguar collapsed to the ground, kicking and sputtering as it slowly died. The bloodied giant turned his attention to the other two cats, rage burning in his wide, pink eye. Stiff legged, Chimera curled his tail high above his back, growling deep and low as though the gates of hell were yawning open within him.

Stalking around the clearing, the protective father was able to place himself between the remaining jaguars and his three children. "Go," he growled at the trio. That was order enough and he expected it to be followed. The two felines were hesitant, noting the easily brought about death of their companion. One turned and ran and Chimera heard the splash as it dove into the ocean, hightailing it back to the mainland. The other was wary to turn its back on the wolf, which was wise. The dual-toned dire stalked forward and the cat walked backwards, hissing and growling warnings the entire time. It was retreating, but not fast enough. Chi dove forward, jaws snapping and that was all that it took for the cat to finally turn its back and run. It dove into the water as well, swimming quickly across to the other side where it disappeared into the cove.

Sides heaving with the exertion of the fight, Chimera caught his breath, tongue flicking over his bloodied jowls before he turned and headed back inland. He left the dead cat where it was, having no need for it. Perhaps he'd tell Scylla where it was. She liked that sort of thing. In the meantime, he expected a full report from his sons and hoped that their mother wasn't coddling them too much.

"Chimera Quill Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.