
Take Another Little Piece of My Heart




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-03-2022, 08:01 AM
Her words were well thought out, her response was mature and her advice was sound. Nothing like the confrontation they had so long ago. She knew and accepted that he cared deeply for the band he had created, and now that he felt their loss she encouraged him to fondly remember the good memories that he had. He couldn’t forget how high he had felt when he set off with his band. His heart had been full, he’d been able to forget about the part of him that had always been missing. What she told him was exactly what he needed, but her words were easier said than done. He wanted to forget about the terrible demise of the band, but the thoughts would haunt him as the ghost of the members he loved did. He would try and do as she said, he knew dwelling on the loss helped no one, especially him.

Aslatiel promised that she wouldn’t ever let him go. They had been through so much while trying to be what the world wanted them to. They paid a steep price, and both felt loss and yearned for the one they held. Indigo knew from a very young age that Aslatiel belonged here with him. In his arms, basking in his unconditional love. She completed him in ways no one else had before, and now they were finally together. Nothing would tear them apart. ”And I won’t let go of you.” He vowed in return as he held her tight.

She stroked his fur gently as she went on, mentioning the obstacles they had before them. Including facing their family. Indigo hadn’t thought about the Armada or their kin within for a long time. He hadn’t talked to their father since he left, and he had heard through the grapevine that his mother and brother had been miraculously resurrected. Yet Indigo had not made any effort to return home. ”It… will be good to see everyone.” He spoke cautiously. He had no intentions of avoidance. They did enough of that the first part of their lives. He had accepted who and what he was, his family didn’t have to do the same. They would never understand anyway. ”I wont hide how I really feel ever again.” He vowed to her. The last time he tried he’d been destroyed, he couldn’t do that ever again. Aslatiel’s arms were where he belonged.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.