
Born To Be Great?

Plague <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-03-2022, 12:43 PM

It seemed that no matter what happened or what was going on the days just kept rolling forward and life continued on. The fallout after Hattori's sudden departure had settled for the time being and he was able to give more of his focus and attention back to his own family again. His pups were growing so quickly and he wished there was a way to freeze time and keep them these young, fun loving, innocent pups forever. He was enjoying training with them and preparing them for the real world they were undoubtedly going to have to face, but at the same time he wished he could just live this wonderful life with them every day till the end of time. It did make him wonder what he, Void, and Rava would do once their whole lives were no longer revolving around these perfect children they created, but that was a thought he continued to put to the back of his mind to wonder about later.

As he was walking around the island, he found Stolas and Sitri getting into trouble as usual and eventually found Saia at Rava's side, learning from her mother, but he hadn't found his little Seere just yet and now he was on the hunt for her. It took him a little bit, but he did eventually find her speckled, monochrome form on the beach, laying near the lapping water. He smiled and started to walk toward her, but his smile faltered when he saw her distraught expression. His brow creased with concern and he came over to join her, quietly settling on the sand beside her and slipping a paw around her shoulders, gently pulling her smaller frame into his side. "What's going on, my little storm cloud?" he asked with a soft smile, bringing his other paw up to gently brush away a couple of tears he spotted on her cheek.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction