
A rare moment of peace



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-04-2022, 02:11 AM

Make this their den? It was well hidden and it would allow Recluse to see the sun and sky safely. The caverns embrace was cool probably warmer in the winter not to mention with the heat of the volcano. It was also true, considering who he was and who she was. This would be a wonderful place to bring a family of any kind. Eraithus smiled nodding his head. "Where you want to go I will." he mused for a moment. He valued his independence but around her. Recluse made him feel whole where he thought he was in pieces. As she opened up about her family though he listened. Occasionally he would nod his head to let her know he was listening. So she was breaking the cycle. Eraithus knew she didn't need to hear it but he wanted to say it. "You're a great mother, any wolf who says otherwise might want to take a second look." it was true. She was dedicated and she allowed her children to grow with space and freedom. They knew what it was to be strong. Eraithus pulled her close, his blue head pressed against her fur.

"I cant say the same for my parents. I was born in a desert valley pack. My fathers and mothers were all present when me and my brother and sister were born. Births were rare because of the harsh conditions. I'm not even sure who my birth father was." he laughed. After all they could have lied to him and he still wouldn't have cared. "I have two fathers and two mothers, it was normal and with my fathers being the pack alphas me and my siblings were trained to be the next heirs." It hurt to speak of them. "My family wasn't aware that i cruelly enjoyed fighting though. They thought i was a good sport. I let a pack mate die on a hunt when i first became enthralled with wolfs blood." It really wasn't too much of a woe story. Eraithus considered his childhood... normal, for the most part. "Me and my siblings left home when we turned two. With the intention of carrying our genes to farther shores. Lots of suitors turned us down because of our lack of monogamy. A storm came and well... i saw traces of my siblings on Boreas when we washed up on obsidian beach but, I've never seen them since." He missed Neracus heavy set laugh, his sisters wisdom and ease. They were his best friends. He had done his mourning in Lirim before Recluse took over. Eraithus gave Recluse a lick on her head. Letting her fur ruffle under his tongue.

"I wouldn't change any of it. I met you, my first wife to be and love. I learned to accept myself and do better I know if they saw me now they would be proud." the man sank a little. His heart was thumping heat pulsing in him. Recluse own body and flesh, he knew he would never stop loving her. "I want to build a future with you, with any partners you seem to deem fit, any youth you want to raise. Habari is my home and so are you." He at least could give her that peace of mind. If he conveyed his feelings correctly.