
Starting From The Bottom


05-04-2022, 07:14 PM

Who in the hell left something like this out in the open for anyone to fall victim to? Cirrus had just been walking along, minding her own business. The next thing she knew, she was seated at the bottom of a pitfall. A mighty deep one at that. She was gods damned lucky that she hadn't broken a leg. Instead, she'd only gotten a bit muddy from her landing. Thanks to the cold winter rain that would eventually turn the snow, the bottom of the pit was thick with mud. Pale paws disappeared beneath the layer of muck and Cirrus growled, mismatched eyes turned upwards towards the top of the pit.

Why didn't she just jump out? Nice question, Einstein. You see, Cirrus was small. Like really small. There was no way in hell that she could jump up and out of such a pit. Was it dug by freaking giants? There was only one root sticking out of the dirt wall but it was pretty high up. She probably could have tried to dug out divots for footholds, but she hadn't thought that far just yet. Root first.

The woman's tiny rump wiggled as she bunched her muscled and prepared to jump up in the hopes of grabbing the root and scuttling to the surface. The sucking mud held her back and she didn't get a clean jump. Teeth latched on the edge of the root and she hunt there for just a minute, all of her legs scrabbling at the dirt wall. Then the root snapped and she was falling backwards, slow motion Mufasa style (you know what I'm talkin' about.) The woman slammed on her back in the mud, the wet earth covering every little bit of alabaster fur until she looked like a four legged pile of shit.

Rolling to her paws, Cirrus looked at the disgusting muck covering her body. Once again she looked up towards freedom. Then she sat down hard in the mud, threw her head back and yelled for all to hear, "FUCK!"