
I knew you were t r o u b l e *



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 02:17 PM

The flow of rogues at his borders hadn't slowed down much. They were still coming and coming. It was rather tedious having to meet most of the new wolves at the border, but recently Newt had managed to help him out a bit, though not enough to make that much of an impact. He still appreciated her help, it was more than welcome. But in the end, he had chosen to do this and now he was doing the best he could to keep up with all the wolves who wanted to join Tortuga. He hadn't expected much of a response as far as members, but he was glad that there were wolves willing to join. Perhaps he would have a strong pack after all.

Border patrols were a regular thing for the titan, something that he did very much out of habit than anything else. It was a good habit to have, because his patrols always brought him across rogues. Like the one he was scenting now, who had dared to cross into his borders. Another border crosser? He didn't have such a good track record with those kinds of wolves. Needing to know who was trespassing, the King would march on, sense alert as he searched for the silhouette of the stranger. Almost near the borders movement caught his attention and his icy gaze came across the ebony silhouette of a woman carrying herbs, trying to extract herself from Tortuga as quickly as possible. A bark would ring out from the titan, calling to the woman, wanting her to stop so he could talk to her and see what exactly she was doing here in Tortuga.

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