
Take Another Little Piece of My Heart




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-05-2022, 10:19 AM
It felt good holding her there against his chest, she gave him the relief he needed from the sorrow that continuously ate away and tormented him. He could smile with her, he could relax, he could forgive himself. He could have his heart's desire. Indigo knew what he had given up, he tried not to remember his childhood. Being so far removed from those times made it hard to revisit, so he had tried to believe they didn’t exist for a long time. Part of him was ashamed, he had such high hopes and wild dreams when he left the Hallows and told his father his plans. How could he look at Sirius now, with everything he had built so broken? He didn’t think much of his relationship with Aslatiel, it was never any of their business who warmed his bed anyway.

”It’ll be fine.” By now he didn’t care what any other wolf out there thought of him. He’d experienced too much pain, and lost too much, to spend the energy to invest in other’s opinions. Indigo was living for himself now, and what he wanted was to take care of Aslatiel. He wanted to be beside her, to hold her, and kiss her goodnight for the rest of his life. ”Yeah..” He had been gone for so long now… most of them didn’t even feel like family. Not that they would accept him now anyway.

”I am too.” He whispered into her fur as she confessed her joy in being beside him again. Finally together. She cupped his cheek and easily caught his gaze. Warmth filled him, he could see and returned the deep instinctual feelings for one another. Indigo and Aslatiel had spent too much of their lives in sadness, but not anymore. ”Ours,” he started softly. ”Mine.” He rumbled softly against her lips, so glad to finally be able to say that word.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.