
Agni Kai

The Final Showdown



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-05-2022, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2022, 07:39 PM by Oxx. Edited 1 time in total.)

Two tarnished women in such a short amount of time, back to back like an orange and mottled sandwich. It was like a gift. A boon. A thank you for all of the hard work that he'd done throughout his long life. If the gods weren't on his side, then why did they give him such wonderous things? Surely he was being rewarded for his service. There really was no other explanation. Luck had always been on his side. Uncannily so. When he searched for something or someone, he found it. When he wanted something or someone, there it was.

After watching the mottled woman stumble off, no doubt sore from the thorough working over he'd given her, Oxx packed up his meager belongings and sauntered off to the next place. Yes, he stayed within Auster's limits, but he rarely stayed at the scene of the crime. The cave would have made a nice little hidey hole though. Maybe next time he'd spend a day or two at the bottom of the canyon.

As the speckle striped behemoth sashayed towards the volcano, he hummed a little tune. The day couldn't possibly get any better. Especially since night was now taking over the land. The big bastard scouted out a suitable spot to spent the night. He was fairly carefree, but he wasn't stupid. His resting place had to be ideal. Easily defensible while allowing him to see all that came his way. So, after meandering around the base of the volcano, he chose the perfect spot. High up on the stone wall was a lip of stone. It would take some maneuvering on his part, but it would be quite the ideal resting place.

Before Oxx made his way up the mountainside, he started a little fire right below it. The heat would drift upwards as heat did, but it would also cast light over the barren ground in a wide enough arc that he'd be able to see anything coming his way. He'd been doing this long enough that such practices were the norm. Once the fire burned happily, casting dark, dancing shadows as it flickered upon the sharp crags of stone, Oxx began picking his way up to the wide shelf of stone. It was slow going, tedious work, but it was worth it. In time, the giant brute was settled down upon the shelf fifteen or so feet off of the ground.

With a happy little sigh, Oxx pulled the grey and white mottled tail of his brother out of the rolled up fur that he'd brought with him and tossed it back and forth between his paws for a moment. He generally used it for a pillow and would do so when he was ready to sleep. The stone was warm, most likely from the magma nestled deep inside the mountain. He quite enjoyed the sensation. Every now and again the earth would give a little rumble as if some great, giant wolf was growling in its sleep. The imagery brought a chuckle to the big man and he rolled to lay upon his back, the tail still grasped between his paws. The night was moonless, but that didn't matter. The fire below cast enough light to see by. With a sigh of content, Oxx gave a little wiggle on the spread out pelt and closed his dark eyes, a little smile tugging at the corners of his maw. He was pleased as punch.

"Oxx Carpathius"

Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.