
Do What We Must




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
05-06-2022, 06:35 AM

Venom didn't have to say anything. Iki could feel the tension pouring off of her mother, and rightly so. It was indeed a heavy decision. That was what made the gesture so powerful. Offering one's blood... One's child... The seriousness in such an offer couldn't be denied. It wouldn't be denied, she was sure.

With a clinical mind, Ikigai began going over each of her siblings. They were all fighters, something that Ashen sorely needed. She was the only one that had skills that weren't necessary. She would never be a fighter. Her only real skills were diplomacy, music and looking pretty. To her, the decision was easy. Would her mother come to the same conclusion though?

A steep price... The pallid princess nodded, tufted ears slicking back for a moment as she spoke. "All children leave to go on their own adventures eventually. Let it be for the benefit of Ashen." The girl then raised her marbled eyes back to her mother's sunset gaze. "I offer myself," she spoke softly. "It was my suggestion and I can't expect others to do what I would not." The young fae's stomach clenched with nervousness, but she kept her composure outwardly. "Manea has always been kind to be and I believe she finds value in me. Alastor has been kind to me as well. I know life for me would not be hard here." Not that Ikigai would complain if it was. Honor held a high place in her heart and it was not honorable to complain. "My siblings are fighters, warriors in the making. That is what Ashen needs at home, but an alliance like this is what Ashen needs from afar. This is what I can do for Ashen. What I can do for you, mother." The more she spoke, the more Ikigai was confident in this choice of action. It would likely take some convincing on her mother's part, but she was sure that Manea would agree.


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]