
At That Age




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-06-2022, 11:49 AM

Her compliment was met with embarrassment and Satira claimed that she wasn't that pretty. Aslatiel scoffed and brought a paw to her chest dramatically. "My poor, sweet daughter. Blind, and at such a young age." The tawny fae scoffed and shook her head, though there was a grin on her face. "You are incredibly beautiful, love. All the best part of your father and I." Asla had always found Mojito attractive and still did to this day. He was a handsome man. She wasn't terribly looking herself. Or at least she hadn't been before her run in with the saber-toothed cat that had scarred her face. "If anyone tells you differently, they're jealous." She added as an afterthought, "And I'll rip their faces off for the insult."

The conversation shifted and Asla said her piece about love, sex and everything in between. Tira seemed a little shy and began fidgeting with the rock below her paws. She admitted that she didn't know about tastes or skills and Aslatiel laughed softly. "You'll develop them eventually, love. At least, if you're anything like me, you will." The older woman sighed and tucked one paw comfortably against her grey chest. "I am very confident and comfortable with my sexuality. I've had many different partners, but I only became pregnant when I wanted to. That's what I'm getting at."

When asked what she knew, Tira said that her father hadn't taught her anything yet. Asla laughed softly once again. "This is a talk for mother's and daughters. Your father might give you the clinical side of things, but I'll speak to you from experience." From the pack that she'd brought, Asla pulled a small drawstring bag. Opening the bag, she dumped its contents onto the stone between them. It was a variety of herbs. "All of these are tools that will help you decide when and if you want to have pups. " Picking up one of the herbs, Asla continued. "This is Queen Anne's Lace, probably the most commonly used of the contraceptive herbs." She slid the plant towards Satira so that she could look at it. "You take it for seven days after having sex. You can dry and eat the little seed heads or you can make a tea out of them. The roots are also edible, but the stalk and leaves shouldn't be eaten."The fae's brows lifted. "Questions? Not even just about the herb. You can ask me anything, you know."

"Aslatiel Indarra"
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