
You Skulking Bastards




6 Years
Dire wolf
05-06-2022, 11:25 PM

Merrick held the woman down, pressing her into the sand with a big paw on her throat. As he stood over her, the blood from his wound dripped into her face. She growled, he growled. Yes, big, bad, angry wolves. Still, despite all of this, she said nothing. Relm moved quickly, pressing up against his claws and Merrick made no move to let her up. If she wanted to bleed, he would make her bleed. The only thing that stopped him from making her bleed prior to this was the fact that she was pack. Had she been some wildling, some loner, she would have been riddled with holes and had her own holes filled long ago.

Silent. She was still fucking silent. "You must have been a broken kid," the hulking bastard commented, red and blue eyes narrowing as he pressed his paw down tighter on Relm's throat. "How else does someone get this fucked up?" The man had a sensitive nose. He could smell her arousal and, even if he couldn't, he could see the defiant gleam of lust in the fae's pale eyes. Merrick's claws pressed harder into Relm's flesh and if she hadn't been bleeding before, she surely would be now.

The pink woman wasn't the only one that was around. Merrick's own arousal was evident and, in this state, he justified his actions. He'd told her to run away and here she was. She hadn't run. Yes, she wasn't exactly able, but that was a triviality. The man put his weight on the prone woman's throat until she had trouble breathing then, while she thrashed, Merrick scooped her with one big paw and slammed her down on her stomach. The paw that had once been on her throat now rested on the back of her head, mashing her cheek into the sand. "You had your chance," he purred as he leaned over her.

One big, clawed paw hooked over the pink woman's hip bone, those claws sinking into flesh and helping him to angle her body upwards. If she wanted to act like a sulking little woman, then he would treat her like one. Merrick's hips lined up with Relm's and he ground himself against her for a moment. She would know what was coming. Probably him, but if she was as carnal and corrupt as he believed her to be, then she would be coming as well.

Drawing his hips back, the big man let fly, slamming his arousal into the fae and locking their bodies together. Simultaneously, he sank his teeth into the back of her neck, holding her in place as he had his way with her. Just as she had tasted his blood, he now tasted hers. The velveteen heat of the woman's body brought a deep, guttural growl from the brute and he really started getting into it, his hips pistoning and slamming into her own with loud, audible claps. Who cared that they were surrounded by blood and corpses? Right now, it was just the two of them and Merrick was going to make Relm pay for being such a moody bitch.

"Merrick Mendacium"
[Image: 9F8cjvQ.png]
Merrick is the most adult character that I have.
He is a walking trigger warning.
He regularly indulges in rape, murder, womanizing, pup murder and so much more.