
Tangled Up in Your Soul

Magnus 1


10-04-2013, 03:26 PM

Magnus walked atop the new snow, crunching under his paws. The chill bit into his skin, like tiny daggers. His fur had thickened out extremely well for the winter. He had eventually decided to explore a bit, and had left the ludicael lands, only for a while though.

The sun had been covered by thick cloud. Leaving and icy chill to the bone, to accompany the snow. The air was crisp. Snow flakes fell and Magnus stopped and looked at the more closely, be inhaled deeply and a few went up his nose, he sneezed at the sudden cold. Recovering from the flakes, he wandered on, and saw a large-ish pool. And then he caught sight of her, Aurora. He had not expected to see here, in fact he had not expected to see anyone. Her fur looked amazing in the snow, the ivory illuminated by white. Her silver eyes, staring. She was down by the edge of the pool. His face lit up. But then he saw who she was with, a male. His face fell. Was this her lover? He sauntered up to them. "Well hello dear Auroras, and hello to you too." Looking at the male. He smiled though it did not really reach his eyes.
