
Putting On A Show



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-07-2022, 01:23 PM
Alastor regaled in the sounds, expressions, and reactions he was able to draw and coax out of Relm with every thrust and roll of his hips that sent his body crashing deep into hers. That adorable grin on her face sent an thrill of burning lust through the brute radiating out from the inferno blazing in his core. Though the two wolves had only mated together a few times now, it was quick becoming one of Alastor’s favorite activities. He was a lecherous bastard on the best of days, but something in how Relm behaved with him and treated him really set that fire in his belly ablaze. Their bodies moved in tandem, working against one another furiously in their unbridled passion while they feverishly desecrated the corpse of the elk below. It was as intimate as it was raw and primal. The sounds they made together was a beautiful symphony that filled the northern land with their feral cries. Anyone passing by would no doubt know what the brute and face were up to, and could possibly see the two in their antics, but Alastor didn’t give a shit. The whole world could watch as he and Relm fucked each other silly and they'd put on a hell of a show.

The last time Alastor had truly let himself go and give in to his primal nature with Relm, it had been with the taste of her father's blood poisoning his mind. Neither had truly enjoyed it. This time Alastor was still very much in control, just riding the high of the bloodlust like he had taken a hit of ecstasy. Every sensation felt amplified, like his brain had taken his nerves and cranked all feeling up to an 11. Every brush of Relm's fur against his skin sent tingles through him, every press of himself deeper within him hit like a wave of warm pleasure from an endless sea. The brute's dark eyes rolled back with guttural groans and breathy grunts. Just as Relm was enjoying their mating to the fullest, so too was he, and as she had no boundaries he had none either. He briefly noticed Relm staring down the lengths of their bodies to where they were joined, and with a devilish grin, he gave an especially slow and forceful thrust of his hips just to tease her with what she could feel but couldn't see through their ebony fur.

All of a sudden, Alastor felt a sting as Relm's paws ran through his flowing fur from chest to shoulders and gripped hard to him, stopping him mid-thrust buried inside her. Obsidian eyes blinked back into focus, clearing the euphoric glaze from over them as he brought his attention back down to his partner. That half-lidded gaze and the sounds of her breathless words asking him to hurt her made parts of him tense hard. She looked at him with a smoldering gaze that dared him on, tempting him to do with her as he pleased. The stunned look on the dark brute's face lasted for only a second, and then his wicked grin had returned, proudly showing off every sharp tooth that would soon be embedded in her flesh. Alastor responded with a lustful growl, bringing his free paw down to press to Relm's chest with the other still maintaining its firm hold on her ass, then flexed his paws to send razor sharp ruby claws sinking into tender flesh and muscle. He dragged his paw down the length of the girl's body, claws parting black and pink fur to slice almost effortlessly through her skin, leaving behind trails of red where he spilled her blood. He was careful to make sure he didn't dig his claws in too far; he was trying to arouse her and not kill her, after all! Just enough to break and rip skin and let her rich blood pool to the surface of the wounds.

Alastor's hips began to piston and pound into Relm's once more, matching the pace of his paw moving down her form. He raked his claws down her side until he had both paws around her hips, and then the manic brute hooked his claws around both of the woman's shapely hip bones, giving her rough tugs up into his movements to slam himself deeper. Snarling grunts soon joined his repertoire of sounds she coaxed from him, fangs bared and gritted through the sheer force he was exerting on her as well as the pleasure causing his every muscle to tense and relax over and over and over again. Bracing his hind paws on the ground, Alastor pushed forward hard, using the momentum and their angle to actually hoist Relm's hips up so her hind end was held completely off the ground by the massive wolf, almost curling her around on herself while he pounded downward into her. With his violent grip on her hips, Alastor could then lean his body down over hers, virtually smothering her while he had his way with her.

The giant brute snapped his jaws into the skin right where her neck and shoulder met, biting down until he tasted her blood on his tongue. He could have gone right for her throat and choked her some, but that could come soon enough. For now, the Mendacium man wanted to taste her blood, and he couldn't do that without killing her if he went for her throat. Alastor groaned deeply, the sound muffled against Relm's throat as the metallic flavor intensified his pleasure once more, black eyes rolling so far back in his skull they almost vanished. He could have flipped Relm over then and there, fucked her into the elk in traditional lupine fashion, but Alastor still wanted to have Relm clinging to him like she was, wanting to hear her sounds right in his ear and see her fact contort with primal delight. He intent on fucking her so silly that all of the Polar Sound would hear her cries and there'd be a good chance she'd be limping home beside him. Relm had asked him to hurt her, after all.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
