
Pirate Skulls and Bones [joining]



10-04-2013, 03:29 PM

Maija watched without saying a word as Taurig shook himself free of what water he could remove and reclined to the ground. She tried not to shiver, but the wind that found its way from the outside storm swept towards the safety of the den. Instead of stopping, her shakes became worse. Maija was beginning to hate her body for doing this to her. Mentally, she was screaming at herself to stop shaking; that if she didn't, she would have no choice but to seek warmth. The only source of warm comfort was Taurig. Damn it.
For the first time since she had met him, Maija slowly lowered her defenses about a quarter of an inch. She blinked and looked at him, meeting his cobalt gaze with an intense stare. This was the closest she had been to him since he had startled her in the woods and she didn't know what to say or do. The only time she had been closer to a male aside from this was Aoi, and that wasn't her choice. Being unconscious didn't count, she supposed. The closeness she had kept with Dragomir was the most intimate thing she had done in her life, and even now, the memory of his massive form against hers made her body ache. What was a girl to do?
She decided that she would rather deal with using Taurig for warmth instead of shivering to death. So, she pulled out the one liner that had been said the first time she had curled up next to Dragomir. "I'm not cold." Her body clearly said otherwise, but a ghost of a smirk appeared on her golden face. Immediately, her eyes brightened in contrast to the change of facial muscles and even though it was a small difference, it stood out.

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