
Would you take in a stray?




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-08-2022, 01:28 AM

Azzurra looked to his pale paw that rested over hers for a moment before she lifted her sapphire gaze up to his. She already felt guilty for interrupting his night and intruding on his home so she certainly didn't want to put even more of her issues on him, but he made it so easy to trust him. He hardly knew her, but he still opened up his home to her and was so welcoming to her—so much so that he offered his lovely bungalow to her. He didn't even phrase it as if she could stay here with him, he was just going to give it to her or at the very least let her use it. Her eyes widened in surprise and as touched as she was by the offer, she just couldn't accept it... at least not permanently. "No, no I can't do that," she insisted immediately with a shake of her head, but she reconsidered for a moment when she remembered the fact that she had been willing to sleep on his porch just to have a covered place to stay the night. "Well... Um... Actually, if I could just say here a couple of days... Just long enough to figure something out or build myself a den." Just knowing that she had somewhere to be that was safe did a lot to ease her nerves and she was able to relax a bit more as she offered him a small, grateful smile.

Her paw lifted to gently rest over his where it was resting on top of hers, holding his paw between hers for a moment as she glanced down at them. "It's very sweet of you to offer, but... I want something of my own. I've never had anything that I made for myself or could really say was mine. My brother always did everything for us... I was really sick the first year of my life and it took even longer than that to really recover so there was definitely a large portion of my life that I just wasn't able to care for myself, but I think its time I start doing that." She had never really shaken that feeling of helplessness after the first time that she had a falling out with Balthier. Laying alone in the den, too frail to hunt for herself, hungry and afraid of what might happen if he didn't come back. She didn't want to feel like that ever again. She knew the only reason that she didn't feel too afraid of being without Balthier now was because she could lean on the pack and kind wolves like Erys until she figured out how to be on her own feet, but at least she did have that safety net and she was thankful for it.

She gave his paw a light squeeze before she let it go, her ears flicking shyly. "It um... It sounds weird considering the fall out and the circumstances, but... I'm happy I stayed with you that night." Her cheeks flushed as she brought her gaze back up to his with a small smile. "I really enjoyed being with you and... you helped me realize what I've been missing and putting up with so... Thank you." She was already feeling much better even just from a few moments of being here. She really didn't do well with being alone, but she supposed that was something she would need to get more used to.
