
Through The Dark Side




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
05-08-2022, 08:44 AM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 09:23 AM by Relm. Edited 1 time in total.)
Relm could feel just how much Alastor understood her without him saying anything. Without even looking at him. She didn’t move away from him as he drew closer. It was hard for her to be like this just as simply as Alastor had thought, she was tough and it’s how she always wanted to perceive herself. It was easy for her to hide her true emotions but they were always there threatening her to come to the surface. Alastor would be... the only one to see her this way and to know of the harder parts of herself that she kept away.

Her eyes had been closed as he drew closer, just a bit of pale slits shown as he went to wipe her tears away. It was a feeling she had never know but in the attempt of shutting herself down she couldn’t fully live in this moment. He untied her cloak as he insisted, Relm only reached up gently to wrap one paw around his own. Not to stop him, but just to hold him there. "Please don’t say anything." it wasn’t about what he was going to find out, she was scared of how he would react. With a shuddered breath in, her sad and coarse eyes looked right up at his, "I love you Alastor." but without giving him really any time to respond to her, she dropped her gaze back to their paws where she pulled his over the two scabs surrounding her throat. With her same paw all she did was pull down one shoulder of her cloak. The healing nature of her wounds and really the fact that they weren’t all that bad made them blend in with both her fur and skin and the darkness under the moon. But if Alastor felt up above her shoulder there on her scruff he’d feel that rough patch from where Merrick held onto her. From that first time Irilyth gave her contraceptives she felt different in this nature with Alastor, and she knew it was different for him too.

It wasn’t just the physical marks on her, it wasn’t that at all actually. Someone had hurt her, it was herself. In her own mind at least. In a way she knew what she was doing to herself and only with her confession to Alastor did she really understand that hint of what she was missing in her life. She couldn’t have that though. If she couldn’t be with Alastor she couldn’t be with anyone. There was no one for her, as much as she wanted to make it work. Everything was piling on and around her all at once and it was starting to get difficult to feel herself.
