
Can I Keep It?



4 Years
Large species
05-08-2022, 11:10 AM

Tej glanced toward Bowen when she slid down from her back and started to introduce the two instant enemies that were her new companion and her over protective brother. "Charmed,” he said to Artorias as his emerald gaze turned back to the sword wielding wolf, mostly able to keep the sarcasm out of his tone. He knew he was supposed to be on his best behavior and he was certainly going to make an attempt, but after a welcome like that he was beginning to wonder if him living here was going to work at all. Once Bowen crossed over to her brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek Tej assumed he was no longer in immediate danger so he settled down onto his haunches, his tail curling nearly over his massive paws. It wasn’t until after Bowen explained the situation a bit that her brother seemed to finally calm down and put away the sword which made Tej relax a bit as well.

At Bowen’s insistence he got up and moved a bit closer, still keeping enough distance between him and Artorias that he could dodge an attack if need be before he settled down to sit again. The look on the pack leader’s face when Bowen requested that he be able to stay told him all he needed to know about how Artorias felt about the idea before he even voiced his concerns. Tej kept his mouth shut and just waited, knowing that whatever he’d have to say probably wouldn’t gain him any favor and would just get him in more trouble. Then the blue-hued wolf started speaking in another tongue and Tej raised a brow at that, smirking slightly. Clever. Luckily for Artorias it wasn’t one of the languages he was familiar with so he was left in the dark, glancing between the two wolves while they discussed him.

"Tej & Bo"