
Lady to Lady




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-08-2022, 11:55 PM

Manea's kind words were met with a nod. Asla truly appreciated those words for she also hoped the same. Staying within Elysium would give her and her children some much needed time together before they could go off on their own. By no means would she force Arc and Satira away from her when they reached two, but it was the general age for pups to leave the nest. If they wanted to stay with her forever, Asla wouldn't complain one bit. If they did choose to leave though, then these last few seasons were precious.

Two more children, said the purple woman and she gave the names of her older pups. "Hopefully I get to meet them all at some point,"the scarred fae said with a grin. She wondered if the woman's pups would be as brightly colored as their mother or as darkly colored as their father. You never could tell. Pups were a surprise. With Arc and Tira, both had looked like their fathers. There was no guessing who they were, it was terribly obvious. She'd seen some litters where the pups weren't very reminiscent of their parents, however.

Manea asked about Indigo. Ah, here it was. Partner or family, she asked. Galactic eyes met blue and Aslatiel spoke honestly, "Both." This would test the woman's character. She had agreed to help protect the woman's pack while she was pregnant and while she was recovering, but Manea could displace her and her family at any point. "Indigo and I are from the same litter. We were born clutching one another and loved one another instantly. Our love was forbidden, threats were made. Indigo left." The fawn and grey fae lifted a paw, waving it through the air and shaking her head. "I tried, gave my pack the required children, protected and held the pack together while the alpha wasn't able, and was completely looked over when the golden child, my other brother, returned. So away we went." Looking back to the purple woman, Asla shrugged lightly. "We reconnected and here we are. We won't be parted again."

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