
Lady to Lady




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-09-2022, 12:34 AM

Manea could have seen the answer going either way, but what she hadn't been expecting was what Asla actually revealed to be the truth. Indigo was both her partner and her brother. Manea's brows lifted and showed her surprise, but she held any real response while Aslatiel continued to speak and explain their situation. Star crossed lovers that were shunned by their family, forcing Indigo away while she stayed behind to have the children she had seemingly been expected to have and held up the pack when it needed her. She frowned at the the fact that her love for her brother had caused her so much detriment within their family that she would have been treated unfairly and preference given to one of her other brothers because of it when it sounded like she had given her all for them. Of course, she kept in mind that this was only one half of the story, but she also knew what it was like to have her way of life and how she wanted to live criticized and shamed. Not everyone was understanding or even indifferent once they found out the Mendacium ways of doing things and she had encountered more than a few that shamed her for it in her time.

She hummed softly as Asla mentioned how they were here now and that they wouldn't be separated again, giving her a nod of understanding. "Its unfortunate that your family couldn't be more supportive of you when it seems like you did nothing but support them," she replied, her paws crossing one over the other as she considered everything. Sleeping with ones family wasn't exactly unheard of within her family, though it was typically the women that partook in one another than anything. Even she and Maverick had fooled around a bit here and there when she was younger before she and her siblings split apart. "How you and your brother live your lives is your business as far as I'm concerned. I certainly won't put up a fuss about it." She paused for a moment, their conversation about their children making her wonder, "Is... Indigo the father of your children?" Neither of the young adults showed the man's violet coloring, but it did seem like the boy at least showed some of the same traits in the saber teeth an mane. The girl took enough from Aslatiel that that she could believe her other traits just came from other parts of their blood lines. It was always hard to tell with genetics.

"Manea Mendacium"