
Lady to Lady




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-09-2022, 10:31 AM

Aslatiel continued to surprise and impress her the longer they spoke. Most wolves shuddered at the idea of having to kill innocent pups for any reason, but as Asla explained her reasoning and assured her that she would take care of any that had the serious complications they had both been warned of. With her own birth and the culling of her own children so fresh on her mind it did bring a brief bit of sadness over her features before she could return to the mostly neutral expression she had been wearing as she replied quietly, “That is a… harder task than you might lead yourself to believe… especially if they are from someone you truly love. But you seem to be a very strong and resolute woman. I have no doubt that you can follow through if need be.” She paused with a moment of thought before she looked at Asla and added, “If the time comes and you need help… just let me know.” It wasn’t uncommon for other members of her family to complete the culling for others that couldn’t stomach it so she didn’t mind offering the same to Asla if she wished it.

Asla seemed eager to move the topic on to something else and Manea wasn’t displeased to do so. It was a difficult and heavy conversation to be having with someone that she had just met, but she was enjoying their conversation none of the less. Aslatiel asked about the pack and what it was like and Manea smiled softly as she spoke about the pack which felt more like her fourth child with how much effort she had put in to bring it to life. “Elysium was primarily built as a place for my family, the Mendacium’s, to be able to live our lives true to our customs without having to worry about the criticism and ridicule of others. I only wanted somewhere to keep my family safe. Since then… I’ve gathered far more wolves from all walks of life than I had expected so it’s evolved a bit to just being a safe haven for those that my husband and I care for. He and I both have a tendency to take others under our wing so while my pack is no longer just family it does feel as though it still is.”

"Manea Mendacium"