
Tangled Up in Your Soul


10-04-2013, 04:34 PM

A male with a two toned pelt came into view, and the tiny ebony feeling sprang to her feet and high tailed it into the waiting shadows of the forest, not another word shared between the pair of them. Hello to you as well Drake. I am doing quite well, thank you. And yourself? She replied, smiling at him. Her face lit up slightly as she saw him, knowing he was one of the few who knew her past, shared her sorrows. She enjoyed the company of the young Australian, he was quite fun to be around. Her thick tail beat the snowy ground a few times, stirring up some loose snow.

The crunch of snow from behind her alerted the icy temptress to the presence of another within the area. Spinning around, she set eyes on Magnus, who greeted her coolly. She was taken aback, though she did not show it on her face. She dipped her head in a return greeting. Good day Magnus, may I introduce Drake. Drake, this wolf would be Magnus. She said calmly, the emotional distance that was her nature handling the situation nicely as she introduced the two. Hopefully this would end well, and the two would get along well. The socially awkward, snowy rose liked Drake only as a friend, for he was two years younger than her, yet she did not want to hurt his feelings. Aurora knew he had his heart broken already, and did not want to add more trauma to his heart. So, hopefully the odds would be in her favour, and everything would go smoothly. She knew not how this would pan out, so she simply waited for what would happen next.

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