
Too Hot To Handle

Midnight Swim!



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-10-2022, 05:27 AM
Erys was always ready to heed Chimera’s call but he was especially so tonight. It didn’t feel like he had been able to get to sleep at all with how hot the weather was. He was even alone tonight, having curled up in the servants quarters after he had served Chimera his dinner. He was alone tonight, which was hard considering there were two wolves that needed his presence. Azzurra was more independent and she was currently staying in his own personal bungalow. There was also Lucian who had his own bungalow, and that Erys didn’t like leaving if he didn’t have to. The poor man didn’t do well alone so whenever possible, Erys was at his side. Tonight he had fallen asleep in the servants quarters, where he was the most comfortable and most often found. He meant to get back to Luc but fell asleep before that happened.

The call from Chimera disturbed him, but then again Erys was especially attuned to the King and his needs. When he called for the pack to follow him Erys wasn’t very difficult to get out of bed. (Insert Erys going to grab Luc and Azzie if desired)

He paced down the beach, carrying a couple sleeping pads in case someone forgot theirs. He prepared a little bedding area and found his ghostly white eyes lift to Chimera’s form as he led all of them into the waters. Erys followed, and helping anyone who needed it, submerged himself into the waves with a content sigh. Coupled with the soft light from the fire and the brilliant stars above, Erys was completely content to sit here in the water and enjoy the quiet social hour.

"Erystotle Atlas"