Try To Shut Me Down
05-10-2022, 04:04 PM
Again Reila complimented him, this time noting the love and care that he had for his family. Chimera nodded, "Thank you. I try to give them what I didn't have." He didn't have a lot. No role models, no caregivers. Just Siren.
When the tri-colored fae began to speak, Chimera listened and watched, noting the various expressions that crossed her features. As with most slaves, she didn't know her parents though she did know that it was one of the slave masters. This had always struck Chimera as odd. Many wolves wouldn't want to mix their blood with that of a slave, yet here they were, filling slaves full of their pups. If anything, it was just a status and sex thing. That part he could understand.
Criteria had to be met in order for pups to remain alive. This part had never made sense to him. There were many wolves out there who preferred darkly colored lovers. From a slaver point of view, light colored fur made blood and dirt easier to see, so why choose light over dark? Coat color had never made a difference in personality or fuckability as far as he'd noticed, so it was a silly thing to set as criteria.
As he watched, the woman's disposition shifted. She lowered her eyes and began digging her toes into the sand. Fidgeting. Her next words were met with a long exhale from the man. Losing the ability to produce children bothered many wolves and he'd known a few. Those used for sex were often clipped or altered in some manner to prevent pregnancy or virility. "Does this bother you?" Did she want to have children some day or would she be fine without them? If children were important to her, he would see what he could do about acquiring one for her.
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.