
Too Hot To Handle

Midnight Swim!



2 Years
05-10-2022, 10:34 PM
The nights were always the worst for him, a mixture of loneliness and fear that were quelled around Erystotle. He never expected him to spend more time when him than he needed to, but was always grateful for any time he was given. He hadn't been sleeping when Chimera called out for the pack to optionally join them at the beach, but considered going. He felt like he needed to whether it was optional or not, at least to prove to Chimera that he was trying in at least some ways. His weight hadn't gotten much better, but he was less bony and sullen looking at least. That was something to be proud about right? Not to mention his sunburn had almost completely healed minus for some patchy fur around the thinner areas. If he were going to be honest if asked, he'd say he was feeling pretty good... although he still couldn't help but worry about getting too comfortable. Kindness only extended so far and despite how sweet Erystotle had been to him so far, he knew better than to get hopeful.

That didn't stop his heart from picking up speed when he came to pick him up shortly after Chimera's call, however. He knew better than to believe that he was safe now, but something about him made him believe it now. Lucian hurried along to not keep him (and Azzurra?) waiting on him and walked closely to the pale man to keep up. Although he could see better in the dark, the land was still new to him and navigating it was still a struggle when most things disappeared in the shadows.

Once making sure Erys didn't need anything from him, he carried his sleeping pad to a spot in the sand and Erys had wandered off to relax in the water. The ocean was somewhat frightening to him and despite its calmness tonight, preferred resting on the safe beach instead. Besides, it wasn't as warm to him as the others perhaps due to his thin skin, skin, and lack of weight. While he wasn't cold per say, he did tuck his paws in underneath himself as they were often cold regardless of the temperature. Content watching what he could in the dim light, he kept flashing his gaze to Erys in case he looked to be needing something.

Lucian is a mature character with an adult themed past. Hover for details at your own risk.