



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 05:15 PM

He should've sent her away the moment she had set foot in Tortuga. She wasn't supposed to be here, but damn the organ in his chest, how he wanted her here. He wanted to keep her here, to take her away his from his bastard, undeserving father. Isardis didn't deserve her. He really didn't. She was so precious, so amazing and Isardis just didn't appreciate her the way that she deserved to be appreciated. He loved her and she would come first to him, no matter what. But to the Ice King, she was second. His selfish wants came first and then she came second. At times, she appeared to be more of a tool to the Ice King than anything else. To use and dispose of whenever he felt like it. She deserved better than that. If only she could see it.

I don't know what to do... Yes she did. All she had to do was leave Isardis. Leave him and leave Glaciem. She could bring his half-siblings along if she wanted, as long as she left that horrible place and came to live with him. She would have a better life here. He would look after her, take care of her, do everything in his power to show her just how much he loved her unlike Isardis who probably didn't even love her. Was that bastard even capable of love? He didn't think so. But he wouldn't tell her that because he didn't want to force any of his choices on her. Who knows, maybe she didn't feel the same way. Maybe she was only here because of pity, because she had felt bad that he had gotten mauled by Isardis. Or maybe she really did truly care about him in the same way, but just couldn't find the strength to tell him. Whatever the case, he wouldn't take these moments with her for granted. They would probably be the last ones he had with her and he needed to treasure them.

His closing of the gap set off a reaction in the silver dame and it was she that closed the gap between them, pressing her chest against his, her crown folding into the crook of his neck. Taurig's heart would've burst from his chest if it could've but instead just pounded heavily within its confines. Surely she could feel what she was doing to him. The titan curled his neck around her own, burying his nose into her shoulders, breathing in her sweet scent. Oh god, how he'd longed to touch her, to comfort her, to hold her and now he was able to. i?m so awful for you. Her whisper sent his frame trembling with weakness. Awful. She wasn't awful. She was far from it. Didn't she know? You're not awful're not... He trailed off, pulling his head back so he could look her in the eye when he told her. He needed to see those ruby eyes of hers as he confessed his love for her. Because I love you... came his barely audible whisper. He'd finally said it. And he couldn't take it back now.

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