
Little Fiery One




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-11-2022, 05:52 PM

After the birth of the first pup, Irilyth was ready for whatever would come next. There was a bit of a high to helping lead a successful birth, knowing that she had helped bring these tiny little lives into the world. She took great pride in her work and it showed. The second pup proved much more challenging for Manea, who struggled and pushed and fought to get the child out. At one point, Irilyth had already begun to prepare a second trillium concoction for her Mistress, just in case—but Manea persevered, and with a scream and a bite to her husband's leg, she birthed the second pup. He was a large black-furred boy, and after cleaning him and placing him at Manea's teats, she announced him to the happy parents. Irilyth smiled down at the children feeding at their mother's belly, then returned for one last round.

The third pup was a much easier process than the its siblings had been. Manea was able to birth the child with relative ease, so much so that Irilyth didn't even consider the trillium. Manea pushed, and a smaller multicolored girl was born. Iri cleaned her and placed her next to her siblings to get her first meal. Then she rummaged through her supplies to produce a deep purple liquid. She popped the stopper and held the bottle to Manea's lips to drink. "Ginseng and alfalfa," she explained while she urged her alpha to drink. "It will help fortify your body's immune system and help you produce more milk for the hungry little ones. The black one especially seems like he'll eat a lot." Irilyth giggled and smiled down at the three pups, then at the happy family as a whole. "Remember to rest, Mistress. No moving from this bed for a few days. If you need anything, let Alastor or myself fetch it for you. I'll get you some supplements over the next week to make sure your body recovers to the fullest. Doctor's orders." With her task completed, Irilyth bowed her head to her owners, then slid quietly out of the alcove to give the family their peace and privacy.
