
Too Hot To Handle

Midnight Swim!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
05-12-2022, 01:22 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2022, 01:24 PM by Orthrus. Edited 1 time in total.)
The large pup had been secluded his house for the entire day, as the sun often brought discomfort to his dark coat which would collect more heat than others. That along his sensitive eyes and skin, were too bad for him to the point that most of his activities were made when the sun wasnt as strong like evenings, nights and early mornings, otherwise he havent found the strength to bear the heat. But tonight the heat had also invaded the night. Getting him little to no sleep or comfort. As he always slept tucked with his brothers, this night he was forced to do so alone.

There in the silence, his ears perked at somone standing up, opening only one eye he spotted his father going outside, not before announcing an invite to him. He jawned, feeling his limbs lazy but knowing better he needed to move up now. He would stretch his dark body, to get the laziness out. He shook his fur while he eyed his numerous siblings. Smirking in mischief. He took some more time to go out, as for some reason he would rather be the last to arrive.

By the time he jumped out of their home, he could already see a bunch of wolves enjoying the waters of the sea. He took his time to plan about what to do. But it would be even more fun to just do whatever he wanted. He snuck silently behind Strix, and without warning he tossed himself into the water, right beside his brother, he aimed to splash as much water as he could into him. Laughing devilishly in the process.

[Image: ort-new-cloack.png]
●Orthrus is rathed M due to his posts sometimes containing graphic gore,dissections and death.
●Orth has a female Caracara that is always perched on his back.
●He always wears a black cloack