
I'm Just Gonna... -Yoink-




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-14-2022, 12:55 AM

She heard the crash of an approaching form before she even saw Saracyn and when he burst into the clearing, his words were completely idiotic. The small wolf wrinkled her nose in distaste, flashing pristine white teeth momentarily. Stealing? Her? She'd merely wanted a bit of privacy so that Cerberus wouldn't tell her father that she'd been drinking. There was always the possibility that Kione would catch her and keep her from drinking too. She absolutely had to avoid that. Stealing though? "You're stupider than you look, you big strawberry," the girl snorted, glaring daggers as he took the second bottle and began to drink it. "This is a feast. All of that stuff is free, including this." She gave her bottle a little shake in his direction, splashing some of the grapey drink on the large boy.

Heat was filling Scylla's cheeks and her vision was a little swimmy, but she was intent on finishing her bottle of wine, if only to spite the bastard in front of her. "Why did you follow me anyway? You don't even like me." Not many did. She remembered their encounter in her home where he'd been an 'intruder' and had invaded her own room like some kind of creep. She'd hurt him then but had offered to fix him after she learned that he was a guest. The two hadn't seen one another since then, but they'd both grown a bit. Scylla would never be large, but she was thinning out. Losing that layer of baby fat. When she was of age, she'd be sleek and slender. Right now, she was somewhere in between.

Each drink seemed to make Scylla's mind a little fuzzier. Her vision a little blurrier. Was she supposed to be able to feel her lips? Because she couldn't. Her whole body was tingly and a little snicker of amusement left her before she moved the bottle to her lips again to take another drink. Only... there wasn't another drink. Or was there?

Tossing her bottle aside, Scylla rolled to her paws. Using the rock as a backboard, she sprung forward, her forelegs wrapping around Sara's neck as her hind legs kicked, trying to push him over. With one paw, she reached up and took the bottle right out of his paw, instantly bringing it to her lips to drink deeply of the liquid that now tasted like ambrosia. Still struggling with the red boy, she threw her weight against him, trying to knock him onto his back. If she succeeded, she'd simply stay there while she kept drinking from the bottle. She'd been the one to stea...liberate it, afterall.

"Saracyn" & "Scylla"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]