
undo what hurts so bad



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
05-14-2022, 01:18 AM
"speech/hover for translations"
“Nomon?” a soft voice gently resonated against the stark silence of the woods. It was so light and delicate sounding that one would almost mistake them for voices of wandering lost faeries. However, the owner of such a melodic tune slowly revealed themselves as they crawled out from the cover of some nearby bushes. Her frame was small when compared to the local foliage and she appeared to be quite young - so why was she alone?

“Nomon?” she called out again but this time with more worry - or was it sadness - in her voice. Then suddenly her cream and chocolate body began to scramble as she quickly approached the frame of another. Only this other wolf didn’t move. Instead they were completely still, laying upon the ground.


“Gyon op nomon,” the young girl pleaded as she nosed at the body of what any onlooker would presume to be her mother. Dying light filtered through the trees as the poor girl continued to try to get her mother to wake up, before eventually she gave up. Deep down she knew that her mother had passed, but she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t believe it. Her mother was her only parent, her caretaker, her role model, her…everything.

Tears cascaded from the girl’s teal hued eyes and stained her fur as she wept well until after the moon was high in the sky. The only thing that took her attention away from her mother’s corpse being a snap of a twig in the distance. Panicked by the sound the girl quickly gave her mother one last loving nuzzle before running off into the night with her tears catching the silvery rays of the moon as they fell away from her cheeks.


Breaths quickly became ragged as she ran away from what she believed to be pursuers. Her mother had died trying to escape from those that kept them prisoner. Her mother had died trying to reach freedom for both her and her daughter. And yet, here was her daughter…still running… trying her best to grasp a hold of that very freedom that her mother had failed to reach.

That is until she found herself falling.

Without even noticing, the girl had run straight off a cliff and plummeted to the ocean below. Fortunately for her though, she managed to land upon some sort of floating structure. As soon as she did though, her vision grew blurred and eventually everything went dark.

Groggily, teal eyes opened slowly as the girl woke up. Cold…wherever she was it was cold. It was the only thought in her mind actually. She had never felt a sensation like this. In the cave where she had spent most of her life thus far remained about the same temperature all the time. Or at least as far as she was aware it stayed the same temperature all the time. At first the girl’s vision was blurred and as it sharpened, she saw nothing but white stuff on the ground. Cream and chocolate face contorted out of confusion as she pondered what it was. She had never witnessed whatever this phenomenon was. Curious and yet cautious the girl slowly got up - pangs of stiff pain echoed about her small and underweight body. Once up though, she gently reached out a single paw to touch it.

Sharp prickles of cold radiated throughout her paw once she made contact with the white substance in front of her and quickly she withdrew her paw out of surprise. What was this stuff? Lowering her nose she tried sniffing it, but she couldn’t place the scent she inhaled or the sight with any of the descriptions of things from the outside world that her mother had once told her.

Just what was this stuff?

Her pondering however, didn’t last long on the subject as her attention was grabbed by small white specks drifting lazily from the clouded sky. Wide eyes looked all around as she took in the sight and then froze as she noticed vaporous clouds coming from her very breaths. Not knowing what it was, she snapped at the clouds trying to catch them but found out that her attempts were futile. Needless though, she continued to snap at the mist that she now forcefully billowed from her lungs until eventually she was several steps away from where she had woken up. When she realized the cold prickle once again radiating through her paws she looked downwards only to find her eyes settling upon yet another sight she couldn’t believe.

“Woda?” Her voice raspily rang against the chilled air as her head cocked. The girl knew water from the little bits they were able to get or receive within the cave, but she had never seen water rush around like this before. Until now, she had only seen small amounts in the cave and had a brief glimpse of the water she almost fell in…

Suddenly remembering the water she almost fell into, her head whipped around to look at where she had woken up and saw the huge amount of water that had been behind her. Instantly her eyes grew much wider. There was no end to it! Just how much water was there? The girl stood there and wondered many questions for a few minutes before her eyes followed back to the water before her. Although, her gaze didn’t stop there. She continued following the path of the water with her eyes and eventually even began physically following the water as well. Where did it come from? How much was there? Did it ever end? Thoughts and questions filled the young girl’s mind as she curiously followed what she failed to recognize as a river.

Eventually, the young girl found herself staring in complete and utter awe as she stood before many tall things. Their coloring reminded her of rocks of some sort, but the surface texture seemed off. Plus she had never seen rocks like this before. These were tall and spindly with weird tendrils coming out at all sorts of angles. She wasn’t sure what to call them, but regardless she definitely wanted a closer look. Becoming oblivious to her surroundings she began traversing into the territory unknown to her but known to many as Weeping Woods. To her the place seemed ethereal and she found herself so immersed in taking in the sights that she failed to notice the faint traces of wolves who had been here in the past…or were they there currently watching the strange girl from afar?
!!!Isara's native tongue is that of Trigedasleng!!!
Trigedasleng is based off of phonetic english/english slang. Feel free to have your character infer/realize what certain words mean if you'd like!
Powerplay that does not result in major injury or death is okay. Otherwise please ask.