
Just the little things



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-14-2022, 07:24 PM

The Warlord caught the sounds of movement from the house behind him. Hazel, by his guess. Getting ready to head out for the day. He listened to the sounds of her scrambling for a moment, as he looked out into the early morning sun. It glinted over the ocean inlet that sat before their den. The little bridge he had built for his first children to play on bore signs of age. The salt of the ocean had eaten away some of its integrity, and moss settled on the planks. Perhaps it was finally time to take it down. Hazel was nearly a grown woman, and the aging Warlord knew no more children would play before this den. Not his, anyway. Perhaps he could fix it for his grandchildren...

He shook away the melancholy as Hazel opened the door behind him. He turned to the red toned wolf as she excited the den. "A moment, Hazel." He said softly, knowing that would capture her attention. He looked at the early morning frost beneath his paws. A mark, among others, that winter had arrived. He had decided that the first day of winter was a good place to begin. One of his behemoth paws rested on a package. Something small, and wrapped in cloth. He eyes it for a moment and then nudged it with his paw. "Open this, and listen a moment." He said, pushing it towards her.

"Your a year old today. Scarcly a child anymore. You need to think about what you want to do with your future." He paused a moment as she opened the packaging. Inside sat a delicate silver braclet. Rugas fine work, of that there was no doubt. On the braclet sat numerous charms. The Warlord reached forward, extending a feline claw and tapped the little stylised Obelisk. It's rough shape carved from jade. "The Obelisk" a little obsolete. "For pack." He explained. His claws found another shape. This one was a cyrstal tooth, not dissimilar to her own. "For self." He said softly. Next, his claws stopped on a small piece of dark black onyx. Silver slashes stopd out in stark contrast. "For family. Hazel Fatalis." He said, clearing his throat with a soft cough. He wasn't good with the mushy stuff and expected it from her. "Now, head over to the Beach, Basilisk is going to be waiting for you there. But be back here for lunch time, you hear? We have your future to discuss." He made a shooing motion with his paws.

Ooc: Set on the first day of winter
