
undo what hurts so bad



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
05-14-2022, 08:22 PM
"speech/hover for translations"
The harsh sound of splashing water rang out against the chilled silence that hung in the area. Young Isara’s chocolate ears twitched in response to the break in the silence and soon her gaze followed suit by changing from the tall spindly odd looking thing in front of her to where the source of the new sound was. However once her eyes caught the sight of the rather large wolf not far from her, her entire body froze as he looked at her and spoke. Her heart began pounding within her chest as her breaths grew shallow. She didn’t know this wolf. Was he a bad wolf or a good wolf? Was he someone affiliated with those that had imprisoned her and her mother? Had they followed her to wherever this was? She wasn’t even sure of what he had said exactly. H’lo miss? What was that? What did it mean? It didn’t sound like anything she had ever heard before, which only scared her more.

Questions swirled within her mind as she lowered her body to the ground and began to slowly and silently creep backwards away from the seemingly charcoal hued wolf. However before she could get very far the sound of another’s voice ricocheted against her ears. ‘Are you lost?’ Again the girl froze and slowly looked at the bearer of this voice. This time it was a smaller but still rather large wolf when compared to herself. He had some similar coloration to the girl herself but he lacked the cream and teal colors. Plus he had an added feature of horns upon his head.

Once she had taken a good look at this new wolf, he spoke again and she jumped a little and began to retreat in a direction that wasn’t going towards either of the new wolves. She was almost convinced now that they had to be guards from those that imprisoned her - come to drag her back to that cave that haunted even her waking dreams.

‘I’m Kotori Fatalis,’ again strange words hit the air and young Isara hadn’t the slightest clue what was being said. He then added more strange words after that and soon after those words Isa found her cautious retreating steps falter as she tripped backwards over a root from one of the many trees that looked like weird rocks to her. With her little trip backwards she began to fear the worst. In her mind, she figured that these wolves would take advantage of her mishap to capture her - or worse, kill her like the others had her mother.

As quick as she could, the young girl hustled and shied away from both of the wolves against the tree’s trunk, “B…beja, ai nou gaf kom bak op,” she stuttered as she tried pleading through her fear. She had little faith that it would work, but what else was she to do? If they really were here to drag her back, she stood absolutely no chance of fighting them off. If she ran, surely they would catch up to her quickly since it was likely they knew the terrain while she didn’t. The poor girl didn’t know what else she could do and so she remained there pressed against the tree as if this thing she thought was a rock would somehow protect her somehow.
!!!Isara's native tongue is that of Trigedasleng!!!
Trigedasleng is based off of phonetic english/english slang. Feel free to have your character infer/realize what certain words mean if you'd like!
Powerplay that does not result in major injury or death is okay. Otherwise please ask.