
Afraid to know




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
05-14-2022, 09:58 PM

Halo exhaled a soft breath over her tea cup, lowering her head to take a slow, thoughtful sip. She thinks. She thinks on Mort's words, on the idea of finding a woman. Finding a woman, and the fact that the Warlord has his rules about taking mates and all. Well, this wasn't truly taking a mate as much as it was... mating. Er. Something like that. Complicated things. Complicated things and an act that would undoubtedly be awkward and uncomfortable for all parties involved. While Halo didn't know Hikaru other than in passing, and from what Mortis had told her, she could only imagine how he would feel about the whole thing as well. There was a solution that was beginning to form in the tenderhearted girl's mind, but would it be a solution that would be amenable to both men? To Sirius?

As for Halo, she didn't feel badly about it. The topic shifts to Fireside, and the pale healer holds her tongue on the subject of who for the moment. Right, she wanted to make sure she wasn't having a rash thought, though already she was sure-- more sure than she usually was, about anything. But ah yes, on the topic of what (under normal circumstances) would be an enemy pack. "I met Álarr when I was still new to Boreas, and we talked for a while. Where he had every opportunity to take offence to me and my ah... occasional lack of social grace, he was kind instead. He's smart, and I have no reason to distrust his medical opinion." Halo had her reasons, but most of them were hard to explain. Still, she thinks herself a decent judge of character. "He told me that Fireside believes in fair trade. I'll bring him some honey and some horsetail, in exchange for the knowledge," the words were a bit softer now.

Halo climbed softly to her feet, padding to her stores of honey and herbs that had already been carefully stowed away for the winter. With great thought, she takes a medium-sized tin of honey and places it in Mr. Raccoon's basket first, before gazing upon the many bundles of herbs all tucked away (some neatly, some not) on the shelves. She needed to get the nerve up to just... say it. Just make the offer. The horsetail, too, is tucked into the basket that sits on the table. It's Halo's turn to have something she wants to say but to be seemingly unable... seemingly. She returns to the shelves one more time, adding a bundle of sage for good measure. That seemed like an appropriate trade offer, and she could hope that the Master of the Cure would see it that way too.

"Mortis I um," yes, it's her turn to be sheepish. Shy. Halo's voice was small as she returned to her tea, looking rather intently into the cup. "If um, if you... if you were okay with it, I mean... if you wanted, and if Hika wanted and was okay with it and stuff," she's rambling. Nervously, Halo is rambling. She swallowed hard, unable to look at Mort, mostly in fear of his reaction. "I... could do it." It's not that Halo was trying to get in his metaphorical pants, and instantly, she's afraid that it comes off that way. Her offer comes in earnest, as someone who cares very much about Mortis (and by extension Hika), and his happiness. The Armada is her family, and family does for family.


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