
Afraid to know




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-14-2022, 10:07 PM
Mortis nodded his head slowly as she spoke highly of one of the Fireside healers. He’d had little to do with the pack, and certainly didn’t know them as single entities. As a whole, they were a threat to the Armada. Much like the Warlord, Mortis protected those he needed to. If Halo came to harm from asking a question on his behalf… that would be very, very bad. But he also trusted her to know what she was doing.

When she got up to start gathering supplies, he watched her with a measure of amusement. She wasn’t planning on going now was she? It was the middle of the night. He sipped his tea and watched as she busied herself finding what to trade. Was she nervous? Perhaps he had made a mistake. If she was nervous about asking the question on his behalf…

His ears perked as she said his name, and he put his tea back down again. She was definitely nervous. His first reaction was to offer some sort of reassurance, but he didn’t know what to say. The Warlord had thrown him off his stride with his ultimatum.

It was a good thing he had put down the tea, or he would have dropped it. As it was, his paw jerked, and he almost knocked it over anyway. He managed to stop it falling and busied himself putting it gently back on the ground, and brushing it further away from himself. “Halo…” he paused, glancing up himself, and seeing that she didn’t want to meet his eyes. Even before he considered the implications of her offer, or anything else, his voice was soft. “I would never ask you to… you don’t have to offer. I wouldn’t… It’s a lot to ask of anyone Halo. I wouldn’t put you in that position.” He fumbled, badly, as he tried to put her at ease.
