
& I'm still scared of losing

Hazel & Bas lesson ^^



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
05-14-2022, 10:15 PM

If it was possible for the reindeer to be less equipped for stealth, well, they'd found a way. Mr. Raccoon chittered happily where he sat on the yearling boy's shoulders, burrowing into his thick fur. This was a real treat, after all, and a new vantage point to boot! Halo couldn't help but smile at the motley crew as they made her way in her direction. They really were a sight to be seen, that was for sure. Her eyes glimmered softly in the afternoon sunlight, and it occurred to her that they'd have to make good use of the daylight. Though early in the afternoon, it seemed that the sun came down earlier and earlier these days.

Hazel had the questions, Halo had the answers. The tenderhearted healer explained things in her typical, soft voice as they walked. "Now that it's winter, and especially while we live somewhere cold, we're going to spend a lot of time with fires lit." It would be a long answer to a short question, but at this point, they couldn't really expect anything less. "When we burn hardwood, like the wood from these trees that lose their leaves, " Halo gestured as they walked past some of the trees that had barren branches, "it creates a specific sort of ash." The pale girl looked to the pair of yearlings, unsure exactly how much they were taking in. Ah well, she'd continue with her lesson. "That ash is white, and it's full of a nutrient that we use to make lye, which is then used to make soap." At least, that was how Halo understood it. Sometimes their band came into contact with wandering traders, and it was the traders that spoke of this process.

"So what we need to do is take a bunch of pebbles and wash them until the water stays clear, and then we'll pack them into the bottom of the barrel. On top of that, we can salvage some of the dried grasses that we used when we were packing, and then the white ash that's cooled from the firepits. We'll keep adding it to the barrel throughout the winter, until it's almost all the way full." They'd arrived at the lake, and Halo moved to free the reindeer from the buckets. "Thank you," she spoke to him, moving to the water's edge with the buckets clutched between her teeth. "Here, the size of the pebbles should be about this big," Halo drew a template in the sandy lakeshore, one for a pebble that would be bigger than the holes she'd eventually put in the bottom of the barrel.

And with that, she set to work chucking small rocks into one of the buckets, expecting the yearlings to follow suit.

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