
& I'm still scared of losing

Hazel & Bas lesson ^^



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
05-14-2022, 11:21 PM

Well, at least Hazel had... sort of been paying attention? Enough to realize that they weren't even to the part where the soap is actually soap. She was no wiser to the yearlings and their play, off behind her back, and just figured they'd probably picked up enough of the explanation. That, or she'd repeat herself when the time came. Maybe that would be a better approach. Sometimes she gets ahead of herself, too many words and not enough actual doing. Teaching yearlings can be challenging. Halo had always faced challenges head on, or at least, as head on as she could without being confrontational. She'd simply adjust and make the best of it.

And with Basilisk's question, Halo finds herself pleased. Carefully, the pale healer dumped more rocks into the bucket. "You can add smells to soap, absolutely." Ah... hm. Hanako probably wouldn't appreciate fish soap, but the large yearling's train of thought was a good one. Halo would need to steer that train, though, ideally to somewhere that didn't smell like low tide. "Things like nice smelling plants are usually used to add scent to soap, I bet we can find some flowers that grow around the water when the spring comes." As she worked away, filling the bucket with pebbles, she can't help but ramble quietly. "Scent is one of the senses that ties in the most to memory, so if it smells like the plants around the water where fish live, I bet it will remind her of fish." Or... something like that. Ah, Halo would have to tell Hanako about her son's almost ill-fated adventure with fish soap.

"Well, Hazel isn't entirely wrong," a soft smile as she sets yet another rock into the pail. "When the ash barrel is full, I'll boil some snow and pour that over it. There are holes in the bottom of the bucket, and the water will filter down through the straw, through the pebbles, and into that bucket. When it does, it will pick up the good nutrients in the ash. Sometimes it needs to be poured over a few times, but we'll test it to make sure it's good. The water that's left isn't water anymore, it's a chemical called lye." Another rock. "Lye is very dangerous on its own, so I'll do that part by myself. Lye is one of the two most important ingredients in soap."

A shout from Mr. Raccoon draws Halo's attention, her head snapping up nearly immediately from where she'd been browsing on the shoreline. "Hey, hey, he's a raccoon not a football, please," her eyes were wide with worry. Still, before the tenderhearted creature can even rush to her companion's side, the creature was already scampering back to Bas and looking up at him expectantly. He'd landed in the water, and was wet and rolling about on the sandy lakeshore. At least someone had enjoyed his flying lessons. "No raccoon launching, please, I can't have Mr. Raccoon getting hurt... and I can't have you," she nudged Mr. Raccoon with her nose, "getting salty and doing something retaliatory if you land wrong." Halo's daily heart attack, after all.

The raccoon pouted, looking hopefully to Bas as soon as Halo's back was turned. Would he take the raccoon's invitation to fling him once more? Meanwhile, Halo was satisfied with the rocks collected in the pail, and set to dumping them from one to the other with Hazel's help, swapping the water as they went, until it ran clear.


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