
silver coated


05-15-2022, 10:23 AM

Aura had just managed to catch the tail-end of someone heading far up the mountain, and they were pretty sure they knew who he was.  The fae thought to call out to him, get some confirmation before wasting time climbing up perhaps one of the most dangerous stretches of mountain to climb, but where was the fun in that?  They placed the pine they'd been collecting in a neat little pile before setting off after the could-be-stranger.  If it was in fact Snowflake, Aura wondered if he was out here for the same reasons they were, last minute prep before winter really took hold.  The pink wolf had been out and about collecting various things day by day for the better part of a month and a half now because it was better to be safe than sorry, and they hated saying sorry.  

It took much longer than Aura would have liked and almost cost them a sprained paw but eventually they did manage to somewhat catch up with the wolf in question.  He'd seemingly entered one of the caves that resided around these parts, this they knew because they could smell the signs of flint that still lingered pretty heavily at the mouth.  "Well, shit."  the fae grumbled.  Too late now, they'd already travelled all the way up here and it sure as hell wasn't all going to be for nothin'.  Aura was going to have to swallow their fear and go in after him.  "Now what in tarnation are you doin' in this here cave, Snowflake?" The pink wolf called out as they ventured further in.  Hopefully it wasn't a stranger 'round these parts after all, or they were sure going to be in for a shock once the now-glowing fae finally caught up to them.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

I have some pebbles and hefty big boulders.
I have been trying to fit them inside.