
Two different roads[Nibel]


10-04-2013, 07:48 PM

A chuckle slipped past satin lips, evocative with its mirthful whimsy, disjointed by the fact that I did not truly find hilarity in her words. Such a stupid, hapless creature this girl was to make unjustified ? though amusingly accurate ? assumptions about whatever speculations I had where she was the focal point. Such foolhardiness, it was a wonder how she had not managed to offend others with such uncensored glibness. That or the packs allowed far too much lenience and had failed to properly educate their pawns.

Nevertheless I offered a wan smile, humoring her as an adult might a child who boasted of things they knew nothing of. ?I did not mean to imply you are lacking in any other capacity Riv, I apologize if it sounded so. It was merely my poor attempt at being witty which sadly leaves much to be desired I?m afraid. Do forgive me?? The sloping weight of bones inspired by the need to appear placating was accompanied by the angled position of my head, askew on its axis and visually apologetic. It served no further purpose other than to alleviate whatever conception she could have made from my earlier words and was in no way sincere, but lying was lying with ones body is comparatively easier than a fallacy made of sweet words.

My attention did not drift this time. Their unsettling weight pinned the little slip of a girl under their combined weight, suffocating in how they fixated solely on the virulent crimson of her own. I would avert my mind from the morsel attempting to flee from the insatiable hunger I harbored for him and instead offered myself the choice of conversation or combat. Neither were particularly appealing were I to be wholly honest but I would amend my discontent at a later time when the odds were in my favor. Besides, it would be a waste of?resources, to harm the pretty little fame. I did like her ears and the symmetrical positioning of stripes along her back. A feast for the eyes indeed and while speaking with her was somewhat lacking I found it meaningful if only to admire her form.

Brows arched in the illusion of surprise as the woman omitted that her residence was not a lengthy one. Had she no foresight or sense of self-preservation? It struck me as disgustingly ridiculous to align oneself with a pack when her knowledge spanned only the length of weeks as opposed to even a month scouring their habits and acting hierarchy. Clearly she was a witless idiot, pretty but still an idiot.

?I will admit I am surprised you would join a group so quickly, not that I find anything wrong with that. It is a feasible decision if the circumstances call for compromise of freedom versus other necessities.? I nodded to show that I understood and did not think less of her when internally I was already convinced of her stupidity. ?How is your pack?? I prompted with moderately genuine intrigue. Being able to learn of the packs from firsthand accounts were rare and not to be missed.

?What are their practices like? I am from a mountain pack you see and since it?s disbandment I haven?t been able to find comfort with how some of the other packs are operated. I am hoping that will change with the coming winter season.?
