
Hit the reset button



1 Year
05-15-2022, 02:49 PM


Dancing demons, painted smiles;;

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about,"


I could hear the steady rhythmn of my breathing in and out of my nostrils, the feeling of heat pooling around my nose in the shallow crater of snow. I felt frustrated. And yet, it didn't seem to be coming off to these beings at all. I didn't know who they were or what was going on and for them to think that I was just okay with all of this made me feel like I was losing even more control. This cicumstance was beginning to really have me on edge.
The little tawny wolf moved in closer to my form, pushing the boundaries of what I found to be close enough and thus pulling a series of long deep warning growls from my chest. The bridge of my muzzle wrinkled and I felt myself close to lunging out, wanting to aim for her neck. The sound echoed in the chilly air around us, taking the pitch of what far off thunder in the mountains would sound like. I could feel the that tension between me and the smaller female wolf began to electrify my skin, forcing my dark stare to scrutinize the movements of her paws, then her body. Hm...There was a package that was being lowered to the ground. My nose twitched once before I pulled my attention back to her movements. Once ruby eyes had changed to almost a reddish brown and I found myself staring into her lighter rasberry ones, silently conveying undertone of danger should she come closer.

Questions swam around my head while she stood there, looking at me with such care.
'Why did the cat bring her? What were they plotting together? Did the cat just get me food to gain my trust so that she could bring in another...wait. Wound?'

I ceased my growls and flicked an ear forward, still holding my stone-like stature. She was here because I had a wound...The one that reopened on my chest? Ah... I see now.

"If I do anything that hurts too much...'

Fangs finally pulled out from undere my lips and within a split second I snapped my jowls at the air between us, sending saliva flying between the few inches of space. I was trying to hold myself back from connecting with her frame but my limits were being pushed and I wasn't going to tolerate that.

Damnit, Ladies. THINK. They had a male here before them. Wounded. Young, but I wasn't some fucking pushover. And I wasn't one to just let random females start touching me as if they owned my body or rights to start treating me. I had to willingly CONSENT. This female might be a healer but she sure didn't seem to have any foreward thinking or social skills with hurt beings. They didn't have to respect my time for the moment being but they damn sure was going to respect my space, or fight for it.

"Dont you fucking touch me." I snapped while slowly moving my front paws, rising up into a sitting position.

Yes. Now, I understood what was planning on happening. The fucking cat should have conveyed more before thinking I would be okay with anyone touching me. She didn't know me - neither one of them did.

I let a moment of silence pass before opting to speak again.

"I get it. She brought a healer, didnt she?" I notioned with my muzzle over to the cat while keeping my eyes on the smaller girl and my voice even toned.
"Did you assume that you would just have me roll over, paws and belly up like some stupid defenseless submissive puppy, instructing that 'IF' something hurts I should keep 'WHAT' in mind?" I coudn't help my volume rising until I felt it bouncing off of the trees around us. I blinked, holding back the pain that I felt in my head and chest show up on my face for a moment before I couldnt help but grimace and dip my head with my eyes closing. I should have stayed in the snow. I shouldn't have gotten up when that bitch enticed me to go hunting. I should have told her to fuck off. Or at the very least, tried egging her on to just doing the job that the pack should have already done.

I understood that if I wanted to get through this, that I should accept whatever naive help that this little girl can provide. However it was going to be on my terms. I needed some of my control back.

"You...What is your name?" I breathed, opening my eyes once more.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink
