
I am Hers, She is Mine

Carpathius-Fatalis Wedding - Invitees only


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
05-16-2022, 01:35 AM


Moving the entire Armada north-west to the Col and forest had been exhausting and he and Chai were given little time to rest before the journey to the Hallows started for Artorias and Briar's wedding. The Armada hadn't been fully set up and he hadn't even started work on the bar he would open within the market yet, but with the distance between pack even greater now, they had to leave a bit earlier than they had planned. Other wolves from the Armada were attending too, slowing the process down he was sure. He was promised that work could begin on his bar by the time he returned, but he didn't keep his hopes up. There was a lot to do still, things to fine tune and organize. Even their own den hadn't been fully finished yet, just made comfortable for now while things were set up and Malachai got settled into a home that felt newer to him than it could Grim.

However, something was happening to his coat. He wasn't sure if it was the move to the Col, the weight of telling Chai about the night with Art before they left, or what but it was falling out left and right. It seemed to be growing back in about as quickly as it fell out, at least, but it wasn't real reassuring to him. It is most noticeable where his fur is the thinnest, the pale grey of his flesh poking through the deep indigo and emerald colors appearing on his face, lower limbs, and paws. The rest of his coat just looked like he was shedding massive clumps, much like a husky losing it's undercoat with the change of the season.  It was embarrassing to say the least, but as the boys moved into Auster the man couldn't handle the heat under the covering, no matter how light it was. Despite the coming of Winter, it was much too hot to wear anything even if it meant exposing his hair loss to everyone at the wedding. The last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself at his brothers wedding, though he suspected his fur loss and plus one would do it anyway.

They arrived with just enough time to freshen themselves up before joining the ceremony. Before leaving the branch of the river the separated the castle from the wedding at the shimmering shores, Grimshaw took the time to stop and spend some time with Malachai before moving on to the ceremony as they had the time anyway. Ever since telling him about the night with Artorias during his trip here, he felt guilty. He couldn't say that he was ashamed of the night, but he didn't like how hurt Malachai had been. He was kind of surprised he still wanted to come to the wedding, though he doubted he'd let him go alone if the roles were reversed. He even offered to avoid the wedding if he'd rather, staying home with him and the Armada even though he knew it would hurt his family to not attend.

The whole trip he couldn't keep his paws to himself and before the wedding would be no different, if not worse. Although his hair falling out certainly tore a hole right in the middle of his self esteem and confidence, the day was romantic and Grimshaw wanted to make the most of it. If anything, doting on the man prior to the wedding would only quell any last minute insecurities that had bubbled up since the last time he promised his love.

Grimshaw stopped outside the ceremony and kissed Malachai firmly before entering. Many had already arrived, but he didn't care. He wanted Malachai to know he didn't, too. He saw Gossamer at the front with Kotori, and Rudy wasn't too far behind sitting at the end. He saw that Gwyn was also settled near the front, and with Artorias and Tamsyn at the front, that only left Bowen and Daphne. He knew better than to assume Daphne to show up, knowing an invitation likely wasn't extended to her and if he was, she still wouldn't have come. Grim couldn't say he had the best relationship with their family either though, and had he not found himself in the Armada during Artorias' training there, then he wouldn't be sitting here now. But he probably wouldn't be in Malachai's arms every night and as much as possible in between those nights either.

He saw Bowen sitting near the back and took a breath. He wasn't so sure he wanted to sit up front despite the unending support he felt for Art during his wedding. He already knew eyes would be on them as they moved to find a seat, he certainly didn't want to be making eye contact with any of them until after the wedding. He whispered to Malachai about his plan to sit in the back with his sister and made sure he was okay with that before moving off towards her, offering her a warm but nervous smile as they approached.

"Mind if we sit with you?" He asked and waited for an answer before sitting and introducing Malachai to her. His heart was hammering, but this was the easy part. He wasn't worried about Bowen, he was worried about Malachai making eye contact with Artorias. "This is Malachai," He said with a tone that would suggest to Malachai that they'd talked about him as he motioned towards him. Once they were seated and comfortable, he scooched over a bit so that their sides were touching and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Despite the general anxiety and nerves surrounding Malachai meeting his family, he couldn't help the extra affection shared between them with the wedding and Malachai's insecurities. Although he'd never been to a wedding before, the romantic air was certainly playing a part in his mood.

every second i'm without you i'm a mess

Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex