
Only Dead Fish Swim With The Stream




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-16-2022, 02:21 PM

Asla held her giant son as he cried, releasing the pent up emotions that he'd been trying to hide away from the world since his father died. The woman soothed him, stroking the boys thick mane as he sobbed against her grey chest. "It's okay, love," she whispered here and there, ready to give him as much time as he needed to work through the thoughts and feeling plaguing him. He'd lost his father and, by taking him and his sister from the Armada, had lost the rest of his family as well. Once more, Asla was forced to wonder if she'd made the right decision for her small family.

In time, Arc's sobs subsided to gasping breaths and shudders as he fought to regain himself. Still. Asla held him, stroking his mane with one paw. She would hold him forever if he needed it. Her golden child eventually lifted his head and apologized, telling her that he would do better. "You don't need to apologize, love. Feeling what you're feeling isn't wrong or bad. You just don't have to feel it on your own, okay?" The paw that had been stroking his man shifted to the boys cheek, cupping it gently. "I will always be here for you. You never have to go through anything alone." And she meant it. Though he and his sister were almost two years old, adults in the wolven world, they would always be her children, her babies, and she would always, always be there for them.

Arc took one of Asla's smaller paws in his own and held it as he spoke about her pride. "I am proud of you because you're my son," she agreed with him, then continued, "but I am proud of you for being the wolf that you are. For being able to feel so deeply. For sharing those feelings with me and for realizing that you can't continue on the course that you're on. That takes strength and determination and I am so very proud that you have both." Leaning forward, the tawny face placed a kiss upon the top of her son's muzzle. "Your father had more strength and determination than any other wolf I've ever known and you are very much his son." Again she kissed his muzzle. "So try to give your mom a smile. And if you're feeling low like this again, promise me that you'll talk to me about it, okay?" She wanted nothing but the best for her children and she would support them in every possible way that she could for as long as she could.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
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