
Take Another Little Piece of My Heart




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-16-2022, 03:28 PM

Indigo's words brought a soft chuckle from the tawny fae and she stroked his cheek with one pink-padded paw. She felt his smile against her lips and a pink tongue slid out to pull across the man's black lips and chin. The insistent pull at her hips brought a low growl of lust from the woman and she rolled her hips teasingly against the purple man. "We're going to need to get in lots of practice if we're going to make pups," she whispered against his lips. "We'll have to get creative." Again her tongue pulled across his lips, gentle, teasing. "You'll have to take me every which way. We have to make up for time lost as well." Time lost, but they would never lose time again. Aslatiel would be with Indigo til the end of her days. No force on heaven or earth could pull them apart. Not after all they'd gone through.

Aslatiel looked to the future. She was surprised to find that she was excited at the prospect of being a mother again. Her children hadn't turned out bad at all, so it seemed that she was a capable mother, if not a little unconventional. What sort of child would she and Indigo raise together? She would instill strength and confidence and Indigo would teach gentleness and patience. A good balance to have in parents, she imagined.

"Show me how much you've missed me," the prone woman purred to her lover. Asla pressed her shapely hip into Indigo's grasping paw, wanting and needing him to take control. For a woman who was constantly in control of not only herself, but the lives around her, giving up that control to someone else was a huge thing. She trusted Indigo with everything that she was. Any dark little fantasy that he might have, she would be more than happy to carry out. If he preferred to take her gently, she would take that too. Whatever he wanted from her, he would have. Aslatiel belonged to him. She always had.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

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